Happy Fathers Day

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First of all, to all incredible dads in my different programs and groups, I wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

Not that long ago, I was just one of the kids, similar to one many of you are raising right now.

I dreamed of being an astronaut, a firefighter, a basketball player like Kobe Bryant…

I would dream and imagine it throughout the whole year.

And then, like magic, all of a sudden it would be summer.

School would be over, days would become longer, and nights smelled like ice cream, popcorn, and marshmallows.

Days were filled with friends, visits to the beach, and local pools, and those dreams would somehow get even bigger.

There was a zero doubt in our minds that we will become what we wished for.

The summer of 2020 just started.

Kids still dream big.

The only thing that might’ve changed is US!

Are we still courageous enough to make and believe in our dreams?

What is your dream? Do you have one?

Is it to spend more time with your loved ones?

To pay off your mortgage?

To fire your boss?

To become an entrepreneur?

To scale up your business?

Whatever it is, you can do it!

I believe in your dream. I believe you will make it a reality. I BELIEVE in YOU!

Are you ready to make the summer of 2020 the summer when your dreams come true? 
The rest is up to you.

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