What is the most expensive spice in world and why?

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Saffron is the most expensive spice in worldy

Match the pair of spices to enhance the taste. The strange relationship of various spices with satiety has been going on for a long time. Radhuni's hand is a source of fame and good spice. When these two are combined, food can bring heavenly happiness. Various spices have been used for ages to make food delicious. Some of those spices are also very expensive. And the name of such a spice is saffron. However, the price of one kg of this spice is two and a half to three lakh rupees.

This is the flower

Which is known as saffron or saffron in English. It would be wrong to say that it is expensive only in India. It is known as the most expensive spice in the world. This hair is incomparable in taste and smell. This saffron is produced in a few countries but is mainly world famous in four countries like India, Italy, Spain and Iran. It is also cultivated in other countries of the world. 90% of the world's hair is from Iran. The lowest production is in India. That is in the Karwa Valley of Kashmir in the Union Territory of India, at Pampar.

It is obtained from six purple petals. Only three stamens are found from one flower. It has to be picked at home in just two weeks of mid-autumn. This flower has to work 6 inches from the soil to get this flower as soon as the sun rises this morning. This is because this flower loses its true flavor in the sunlight so it has to be picked up from the sunlight as soon as possible. It is the contribution of men and women but only boys do it less than boys so only women do more because it is called active. Less is available where stands need 1 lakh 50 to 70 so there are reasonable reasons.

Let's find out how to recognize real Saffron: -

There are different types available in the market, but how do you know when you go to buy hair, you have to see that each one starts with a nice smell coming out of two fingers and a beautiful golden color in the hand.

Quality of Saffron: -

Volatile oil saffron is found in saffron. And there is crocin. All these ingredients are used in Ayurveda as anti-cancer for antioxidants. Used to relieve fatigue, insomnia, reduce stress. Increases digestion and acts as an antiseptic. It contains copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, ions, zinc, magnesium..

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