If you'll be an Unicorn...

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Avatar for SuraLee
3 years ago

I am starting to get acknowledged with this crypto world and I am trying to understand and differentiate the real professionals from small talkers and others who only have some basic culture about this, but they are trying to look as they know what they are talking.

Where we are now, or, being more specific, where I am now?

Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels

Studying, researching, trying to get as much info I can digest. New terms: FOMO, FUD, DIP, ATH, ATL, Shill, Stable coin, DYOR, etc...

I like it, I couldn't say no, but I wanna learn faster.

How was your learning period? How much did it take? Weeks, months, years?

What is better to read and ask? Where should I go to learn more?

These are my questions these days.

Photo by Анна Галашева from Pexels

In the same time I'd like to invest some money to smell the taste of trading and, who knows, the success (or the lost).

I understand the most known coins couldn't be so successful (I mean - with 10$ you couldn't get 1.000 $). So, for this kind of experiments I should find some new and very cheap coins/tokens, whatever, but with a good development plan.

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

What do you have in mind? Could be an Unicorn between your thoughts? If there is one maybe we can share it. I will, also, reveal my findings here, because it's a joy to share your happiness with others.

Unicorn Projects Project

This is where I'm sharing what I discover. Maybe you'll take a look at it and spread your opinion, including to me. :)


My first bet: TONE - on Kucoin - a food tracking project, already in the market in Vietnam and Hungary, partnerships with FAO (Food Agricultural Organization), Auchan Hypermarkets, Blockchain Italy Group, etc

For lead image - thanks to - Photo by Alex Fu from Pexels

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @VNFC
Sponsors of SuraLee
Avatar for SuraLee
3 years ago


keep studying. After understanding the terms you should study some trading strategies, platforms and after that, collecting as much news you can. Info is power!

$ 0.00
3 years ago