Migration To Noise.App BCH : Goodbyes & Beginning
"You can no longer post new posts as you have started the migration to noise.app"
This is what I can currently see now (Dec. 5, 2022) in noise.cash 👋 after the migration. We can only reply or edit.
Maybe the migration link is per batch that's why just like @Jen123, others have none of it yet but for sure you will receive it soon.
Today Dec. 5 exactly is my second year, second month, second day there in noise.cash & I migrated like you in noise.app.
We are not aware last year but in silence (yet in noise 😳), admins were working with noise.app that we can now delight with.
For newbies or readers, as you can see noise.app is an invite-only platform and just in case you don't have yet and would like to sign up, here is a registration link for you https://noise.app/invite/cjzlpff
Here's what we will see once we are in the process of migrating from noise.cash to noise.app.
For newbies/new readers no need to migrate (so you won't confuse), direct to the invitation link of noise.app above and sign up in that other BCH social platform.
After we check the last "I Understand..." button we were able to start importing.
While in the process, breathe, relax and start enjoying the ups and downs of your noise.cash memories because you will no longer be able to post new posts there (old posts/comments/ retain) once you are done.
I would like to make a noise and thank the 2588 noisers and others who untiringly supported us there! Cheers.
From 500+(noise.app), some of the friends I followed and who followed me from noise.cash are now added to my new noise.app account after the migration as per the image below.
Maybe we will be able to see our old posts from the noise 1.0 later and let's observe it.
Again here is the sign up link that you can use for noise.app https://noise.app/invite/cjzlpff7
Thank you for the communities. May you enjoy the journey noisily in the silence of your typing fingers and no worries, the spammers can no longer bother you as they can only read it only if ever. Same process with noise.cash, comment related to the context even if the words are far from the posts, do it from your heart, engage, give as your hearts desire to (tip) and posts your whacky, excellent, memes, dramas, informative or whatever that you would love to in your noise 2.0 account.
Welcome upgraded noisers.
Good luck.
Here's cheering on your BCH, blogging journey and content creations,
SuperJulalaine 💗
Thank you super readers & sponsors. Subscribe, like if you will. Lead Image from Unsplash.
That's Good your content or followers will be migrated now but well surely Gonna miss that Place.
I'm still patiently waiting to get the migration mail.