Great Vs. Toxic Competitiveness
You are defined not by mere humans' lower words or opinions but of the Creator who assigned you to reflect His image & likeness, in peace, in light, in the vastness of His great nature and power.
This is another personal view about competitiveness, welcome to new readers and members π, your engagements matter too.
According toΒ Oxford Languages from Google being Great means:
adjective 1.1 of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average. Similar: substantial,significant, exceptional...
1.2. of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average. Similar: prominent, important,august, noble, honored...
noun 1. an important or distinguished person.
adverb 1. excellently; very well.
Competitive means:
1. relating to or characterized by competition.
2. having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others.
3. as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.
Toxic means:
1. poisonous. Similar: destructive, harmful, unsafe, malignant, environmentally unfriendly, fatal...
2. very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.
Trivia π : Have you noticed above that August also means Great?
Then Bitcoin Cash is in one of the greatest month for I found out from you guys that it's Bitcoin Cash 5th Year Anniversary!
I didn't know that until now, after Mr.Google showed us what august means.
Competition is one of the fun event humans love to attend or see every now and then. Here is a situation where we can try out or showcase the talents or skills we had and still improving, along with our coaches, trainers, advisors or with our sole effort (wow independent).
Even in our younger days at school, we are competitive. We know that we have something to share or give into this world and it feels good that we can see our uniqueness from others, those are what differs us from them. It feels good to have originality.
In siblings or friends there are also competitions, but we must always consider up to what extent does it affect or will help us because if it's not a great competition, it's already toxic.
As we have defined the 3 main words of our blog for today above, when we are in great contest of life, it inspired us to grow and become better than who we were years or months ago.
Comparing ourselves to others will either make feel us small, guilty, arrogant, proud or contented, etc.
Even in classmates or batches when we meet with them again, we can feel those great or toxic emotions if after many years and expectancy, we're not living the "supposed dream life" we have shared as goals when we were younger.
Every destiny is meant to live in a unique way even if sometimes it required us leaving the dreams we once had and not being familiar with our history, with our selves, with our siblings, friends, classmates or relatives.
Their call, their steps, their purpose, their skills are completely not the same as ours, it might be painful or joyful, and our respond to these realities are all up to us and I hope we are in the great commission of accepting and inspiring individual destinies.
I'm not familiar with Hermione, maybe in one of our paradigm we can meet up or already did. Lol.
Though we hopelessly think that we don't have a time turner, please do remind yourself that time is in your favor. Use it to your advantage to serve and live to the fullest, time is under your feet and our maturity allows us to keep childlike hearts that believe in our capabilities.
Great competitiveness may be different with each person, slow or fast pace, at ease or hard work, I don' know how you define it personally or professionaly and I have my own too.
As long as our love for rivals or challenges to others are not harmful, destructive, fatal or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way, then it's not toxic.
Toxic competition for me is when it doesn't encourage me to grow, when it degrade my worth as not to respect other's value too. When it keeps me small and apathetic.
When the "contest" which was supposed to give me inspiration and self reflection deceived me to live your destiny instead of what is meant for me. Envying over, stealing the grand even if I only got the consolation prize.
For I know what it felt to be the 1st place, the 2nd, the last or none at all and if in these stages of life did I reflect my own truth and did it improve me.
We have been in many situations that either pull us down or prepare us more for a breakthrough.
Be competitive that is constructive.
May your journey give you more joy, more peace, more understanding even in living less and simplicity so as you can fully delight in having grand or overflows when your time comes and your fruitful aims manifest.
Don't destruct what is designed to be your heart's pursuit, go for what you love and able to do, be competitive in the light and guidance above.
Challenge you, the genuine you.
Here's cheering on your greatness & competitiveness,
SuperJulalaine π
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Competition becomes toxic and negative when one no longer considers another's emotional well being and believes that the only thing that matters is to win...