Given Life As Adam: Life-Giving As Christ

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1 year ago

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (Adam) became a living soul (being/person). Source

It was (as far as my memory remembers) Paul who have "rephrasely complained" in his writings:

"Who can save me from this body that is sinning? The things I shall not do I do and the things I want to do I haven't."

Since our natural bodies and souls are just that "given life, a living soul that was subjected to futility or corruption", it was as our teachers are saying is subjected to that "punishment or death or dead good conscience" that Adam listened and ate from and this soul(s) was destined to the grave and below as they call like Hades etc.

Thanks be to the grace and mercy of the Creator Father who gave us the way to be out of this natural body and souls that were imprisoned by generational errors and patterns (sins to sinning). I know you know what I mean. We all had this issue before as we grow in God's wisdom, guilts and all where our conscience were closed and that which we felt far or separated from the Maker like orphans.

Thanks to the faith that comes by hearing the "Word", to that faith that comes from the full heart colored and poured out by the Holy Spirit (and not just half-hearted and stiff-necked), that from the souls which had no chance to be resurrected before as it is punished by his own choice, we are given a new heart in Christ not afraid of the consequences of our generational disobedience as we are being washed clean even whiter than the snow by the innocent blood of Jesus.

We are not souls breathed into just living and victimize of our own flesh and be swayed by errors of the past but as witnesses of the Most High as we are given of the Spirit and conscience that is life-giving, more than conquerors of whatever that slaved our forefathers (into just being given of life) before Christ into disobedience, curses, punishment and grave.

Who then can save me or you from this cursed or punished souls and bodies, that deserved to labor in pain, deserved to plant to lands that is waterless and full of crops-eating insects (whatever worst case scenarios we can ever imagine).

We are even guilty of being in heaven (on our own yes, but as a gift from the Lord, shall no more).

Who then can save us from this shameful mind and bodies that believe we don't deserve of being loved by the Father but staying in these dying, sinful and ugly bodies without glory and victory, from our guilts that we don't deserve holiness, richness, healing, miracles and wonders on earth?

That image of the one that came from heaven which is Christ. He not Adam that came from the dust can save us. His blood & not Adam.

A conscience in Christ that excell with love of doing good deeds, a conscience that is wise to be like the Father above cause it's know how it is accepted and belonged. A heart that believes he is given an inheritance based not on his human efforts but of the goodness of Abba God.

"Blessed is he who are no longer condemned by his conscience."

Examine you in Him.

In Adam we were souls/being given of life (whatever that were threw in it, unending wheel of pain & difficulties, curses and prisoners of whatever error transferred from the early generations).

In Christ we are life-giving Spirit (with the resurrection power that overcomes, not victimize of the curses etc., a new creation out and in liberty of the cursed wheel of life).

Here's cheering on more revelation to you,

SuperJulalaine 💜

May you be guided in reading that which best suit your spiritual need at this time. You may not yet accustomed to these verses and thanks for allowing us to express our personal journey in the Spirit too.

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