Love in reality

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3 years ago

A girl asked her lover💖

--Well, what if I get married to someone else?

--The boy replied, I will forget

Hearing the boy's answer, the girl turned her face away in anger.😠

The boy said again

--You will forget me too,😨 that's the biggest thing. I'll forget you as soon as I can. Faster than that😓

You will forget me.😧

The lover asked:

- What kind?

The boy began to say:🤨

"Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. You'd be in a trance for the first three days of your marriage. I'll be having an affair with a friend, and after a while I'll call you heartless

I will curse. After a while, I will hug my friend and cry remembering the old memories. "The day after the wedding you will have a much busier time. Husband and packet of sweets, with these two hands you will walk around the house of different relatives.

You will suddenly think of me. This is the time to hold the hand of the husband, the time to ride a rickshaw together. And then I will wander around without any confusion. And I will tell my friends, I understand, friend, there is nothing like love in life. "In the next month you will go on your honeymoon, find a new home, shopping, matching, hundreds of plans, and a light sweet quarrel with your husband. Then you will be very happy,😚

If you suddenly think of me, you will think, I feel unmarried🙃

Well done. I used to eat the bushes of my father, mother, friend or elder brother

It's pretty straightforward.

I have to do something,

A beautiful girl marries you🎎

I have to show you.

I'll tell everyone, I forgot you.

But even then, in the middle of the night, I will take out your SMS and sigh. 💏 "After the next two years, you're no longer a lover.No new wife. You have become a mother🤱🏻.

The memory of the old lover, the joy of the husband, the baby's diaper, Peter will be more worried about all this.

In other words, I was completely deleted from your life☹️💘

Let's go. Meanwhile, I also got a job. Talking about marriage. The girl also liked it. I am very busy now.

This time I really forgot about you.

Just seeing a couple on the street will remind you. But then the sigh will not come.

eyesr saying so far, the boy saw his lover with wide eyes😳

Looking at the boy.

There is no word in the mouth. The boy is silent.😶

After a while the lover said:

"But is that the end of it all?"

The boy said, no.😞

On a bad night, your husband will snore and go to sleep. 😴 My wife will also be busy in her sleep state.😴

Only you and I will not have sleep in my eyes. The past of that day will make both of us cry silently. No one knows about crying except the Creator, no one😢😢

That is the reality.💔

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3 years ago
