In life there will always be challenges and oppositions to stop you from ever becoming anything but it's our responsibility not to use that as a yardstick for becoming a failure or not achieving our set goals.
Stop giving excuses or reason why you are not making it in life or why you fail or why you are where you are when others are moving and beating all odds to get to their destination.
There is nothing you are experiencing or have experience that somebody else haven't gone through before,and many have gone through it and succeeded so why won't you succeed if you are really determine to make it in life.
If you are looking for excuses you will definitely find one I tell you so instead of giving excuses and being defensive in life, you step out in faith and confidence irrespective of the challenges or past failures and that you can make it.
Never give excuses for not making it or looking for people to pity you rather rise up in faith believing God for wisdom and grace to go through those trying times and come out victorious.