For the first time in American history, 11 Hindu officials...

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Topics: Religion

will hold important positions in President Joe Biden's administration. This is the first time that 25 people of Indian descent are going to hold important positions in the White House administration together.

The population of the United States is about 32.62 million, of which only 4.5 million are immigrants. Although Indians have the second largest number of immigrants living in the United States, Indian immigrants have the largest number of voters.

Leading among those in the administration of newly elected Democrat President Joe Biden

Nira Tanden: As director of the White House Office of Management, she will oversee the budgets of various government agencies.

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Served as Surgeon General of the United States.

Banita Gupta: Professor at the New York University School of Law. Biden has been appointed associate attorney general in the administration.

Aisha Shah: She has a place in the White House Office of Digital Strategy.

Gautam Raghav: He will be the Deputy Director of the President's Office.

Bharat Ramamurthy: He has been appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council.

Binoy Reddy: Director of the President's Speechwriting Department.

Tarun Chabra: He will be sworn in as the senior director of the Department of Technology and National Security.

Sumna Guha: She will serve as the Senior Director for South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council.

Vedanta Patel: Assistant Press Secretary to the President.

Shanthi Kalathik: Coordinator on Democracy and Human Rights.

Sarabina Singh: A Sikh follower is the Deputy Press Secretary to the President.

In 2000, the number of people of Indian descent in the United States was 1.7 million. It increased in 2012 and it increased to 26 lakh 43 thousand 391 people. At that time, the number of Indians in the New York, Northern New Jersey, Lund Ireland metro area was five lakh 26 thousand 133. Since then, the number of Indians in the New York, Northern New Jersey, Lund Island metro area has grown rapidly. In 2017, this population increased to about 44 lakh 2 thousand 373. Kajal

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3 years ago
Topics: Religion
