Top 9 Life Changing Books

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2 years ago

According to experts, books are portable magic that can convert you from a demotivated soul to a flamboyant fighter. Books provide a safe place for anyone with a wild imagination, they are friends in the most lonely of times and they are teachers.

They are proof that time travel is possible because books allow the writer's voice to escape the confined time and communicate directly to the reader.

Furthermore, I want to mention the top 9 best life changing books.

1. Good To Great


The book is one of the greatest to read; it is known to open doors for individuals who are striving to make the leap from ordinary to extraordinary and it has shown to create a lot of cash. The book was prepared with great care and attention to detail and it is based on extensive study.

Jim Collins, author of 'Good To Great': Why some companies make the leap and others don't. It was fascinating to see the characteristics that contribute to a company's long-term viability.

'Good To Great' was built on the foundation of his hard work and the discoveries of his research which adds to the book's incredible power.

Six businesses were able to make the leap from good to outstanding thanks to the book. The book contains the six factors needed to make the transition from good to exceptional. They will undoubtedly alter your life. Do you want to know more about the book? It is built on the most effective management practices available. "Some of the fundamental themes identified in the survey fly in the face of our modern business culture and will, quite honestly, shock some people." - Jim Collins said.


Perry Leon discussed how the book influenced her life when writing her campaign blog and how She considers it to be one of the top three business books of all time. "I took from it that you should focus on essential competencies and not be distracted by the other stuff", she said in response to a query about what she had taken away from the book.

She considers it one of the best books of all time and believes it should be included in every article about business and self-help books because it has benefited her greatly.

2. The 4-Hour Work Week


This book is a must read for everyone trying to make enough money to live the lavish lifestyle they choose. Have you ever imagined that making a million dollars would take your entire life.

That isn't the case at all. The book details how Tim Ferriss, author of 'The 4-Hour Work Week', went from making $40,000 per year to earning the same amount in a month. The best  thing is that the book is about far more than simply making money: it will help you to re-think your lifestyle and make your entire life far more effective.


'The 4-Hour Work Week' has been praised for its bravery and independence and while Tim Ferriss' book has its detractors, it has changed lives. On Forbes, Josh Steimle has openly declared his enthusiasm for the book, claiming it has rescued him from working 90 days a week.

3. Think And Grow Rich


The book 'Think And Grow Rich' is a simplified re-write of Napoleon Hill's original 1937 publication. This book has succeeded to convey the knowledge of a two-decade-long study conducted by an ancient and wise man who sought to understand the secret to success.

You might be wondering what the author is proposing in this book. He eventually got successful after much work and proposed the thirteen steps to success and seventeen principles of success.


Several users on good reads sent on to comment that the book had changed their lives and it was extremely realistic and lovely. The book has a significant impact on the lives of some well-known celebrities and there is plenty that everyone can learn from it. This book has also gotten positive feedback on Reddit, where it has been hailed as one of the most widely read works of the 21st century.

4. Built To Last


The book offers a complete framework,a blueprint that can be used by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels who want to see their ideas succeed now and in the future. In comparison to the immense knowledge, one will gain from this book is a modest amount of money. The book was written in an era when no company could survive for more than eight years.


'Built To Last' is such a thought provoking book that it has left many baffled as to how the author managed to come up with such spot-on ideas in '94, one reviewer wrote.

5. The Richest Man In Babylon


Because of the manner it was put together, this book is one of a kind. It is based on ancient people's stories and it has interesting tales of merchants, traders and herders that keep the reader on their toes and engaged. 'The Richest Man In Babylon' jots down all the teachings one needs to keep more of what they make, get out of debt, invest wisely, attract good luck and secure a permanent fortune.

Want to know what makes it so captivating that it's made the list of must-need novels for 2019?

The most fascinating feature of the book is its historical context; it demonstrates that life is a never ending repeating notion and how human nature has remained consistent across the time. The author compares our time to the Babylonians, who were the first to discover and execute wealth.


Several individuals on good reading went on to offer the book many great reviews and while many said the book was realistic and basic, it taught some very essential lessons: save your money, make wise decisions and move on.

6. Blindness


Jose Saramago, a Portuguese author, published Corex's important novel in 1995 and went on to win the Nobel Prize in literature in 1998. His name and this book have always been on the list of the best and most influential books.


'Blindness' appears to be the story of a society that suffers from unknown complications and its citizens lose their sight one by one, drowning in a white halo. But it's not that straightforward when it comes down to it.

Jose Saramago, in fact, has carried the novel's premise to the frontiers of socio-political psychology through allusion and metaphor and has offered magnificent analyses of human conduct in the con-temporary age and the viewpoints of such cultures. He stated of the book.

"This is not actually blindness". It's a metaphor. It is the obliteration of human intelligence and comprehension. "We humans have intelligence but we don't use it wisely".

7. One Hundred Years Of Solitude


Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a well-known Colombian author, earned the Nobel Prize in literature in 1982 for his novel 'One Hundred Years Of Solitude'. This is one of Marquez's most well-known compositions and many reviewers consider it to be one of the best instances of the 'magical realism' style, as well as one of the most enduring and popular novels in history.


Marquez unfolds the lives and events of sixth generations of a Colombian family in 'One Hundred Years Of Solitude', including lengthy accounts of love, war, poverty, old age, life and death are all covered.

8. The Little Prince


After religious literature like the Qur'an and the Bible, The Little Prince is one of the best selling books in history with more than 200 million copies sold worldwide. The novel has also been voted as France's best book of the 20th century, having been translated into over 300 languages and dialects. Despite the fact that The Little Prince's novel is allegedly aimed towards youngsters.


It's primary audience is 'adults' as Exupery puts it and there are lessons for adults throughout this great work. Exupery speaks about the philosophy of love, affection and existence in his beautiful and eloquent speech and raises issues about humans and aliens in the language of a child from another world and asks issues about humans and their labor that have sparked much social criticism.

'The Little Prince' is so well-liked by people from all walks of life that he has been able to penetrate and influence world culture.

9. Animal Farm


The book, Animal Castle, better known as Animal Farm and the book '1984' are two of this powerful author's most well-known works. Orwell harshly attacks the soviet community system's structure in Animal Castle. In the style of allegory and in an animal society which he imagined had become a complete dictatorship.


The plot of the novel follows a group of domestic animals that decide to revolt against the farm owner who exploits them. Rebellious and take over the farm's management and there are ups and downs in the community and its law as a result of their actions and the success they achieve.

These superb approaches set the book, Animal Castle apart and make it a wonderful example of how it has evolved into an authentic socio-political work. Animal Castle by George Orwell is unquestionably a must read for anyone.

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