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Avatar for Sucre
Written by
3 years ago

Numeral aclj ectlve 1s the adjective which reveals the number of the nouns. There are three type of numeral adJectives. a. b. C. Eg. 3. 4. J. Definite number adjective Indefinite number adjective Distributive number adjective There are five colleges 1n our dlstrict. This 1s the third car I have purchased. In these sentences the underlined adjectlves denore a deflnlte number. I have some friends in foreIgn countrles also. My uncle never hesltaTe ro spend much money durlng festival day. There are only a few candldates to the Interview. In the above sentences the underlined adjectives do not specify any exact number. Hence they are known as indefinite numeral adj ective. The numeral adjective which refers to each one of a number are called distributive numeral adjectives.

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