How important is customer service?

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3 years ago

Actually from my point of view I consider that yes but not at the same time, sometimes customers know more than you and sometimes not so much and ask for help. This week I had to experience these two scenes.

The first one is when the customer comes to ask for an item which knows everything about it and I only know the basics and what it can be used for, in this situation I ask the customer for more details about it to know more about the item and for later sales to know more about it if a customer does not know it.

It is quite comforting to know useful information of an article starting from the principle that one learns something new every day, also giving the customer the information he requires is very satisfying since you inform him and he also learns something new.

In the other scenario is the customer who knows absolutely nothing about the product to buy or has or handles the same information as you, in that case, the best thing to do is to tell him that you do not know much about that product, than just inventing information just to sell the item.

Most customers who do not know the product to buy is because a technician sends them and tells him what item he will need and that the customer is looking for the prices that best suit your budget or only know just enough and is a part that knows how to change and does not need help from a technician.

In this week came a customer who was somewhat demanding, I had to learn but not in the most correct way, his character was arrogant and not knowing many details of the item he was going to buy told me in a few words that I was selling products that did not even know what it was or what they worked for and that was not the duty, one should know at least some of what sells and handle the necessary information.

In that aspect he is right, since many products being a refrigerator and air conditioner replacement store, several names are handled for a single product on several occasions, so in some cases I showed the product that I think may be related to what the customer is looking for and otherwise, some tell me that it is not and that serves for other things and others who simply say no and do not offer me more details.

The fact is that you will always learn something during the day and it is important to keep what you learn, no matter how simple and easy it is, no matter how silly it may seem, it is better to know it and not need it later. That is the idea in life to learn as much as possible, it is difficult to know everything in this life but the more we learn the better it will be for us.

How do you see it?

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3 years ago
