She's gone forever

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Written by
3 years ago

Back in 2005, I met a special female person named Marina.

How did it all start?

On August 18, 2005, a friend celebrated her birthday, she invited a lot of friends from school and a lot of relatives.

That day, on my friend's birthday, I was very ill, I had stomach problems and my stomach hurt a lot, literally like someone was driving a nail into my stomach, the pain was so strong.

A friend scheduled a birthday at 5 pm, it was already 4:30 pm and my stomach just gave up a little, but I wasn't allowed to get involved and go to my birthday party.

A friend who celebrated Rodjus is called Ana, Ana called me and asked where I was and why I was not there yet since she knows that I am not late anywhere and that I am punctual, I explained to her what the problem was and I said I was waiting for my mother to come home from work and bring me medicine for my stomach.

My mother came home from work at 8 pm and I was already very late for my birthday when my mother gave me the medicine, I drank it and calmed down for half an hour. The medicine started to work and I felt a little better, I immediately got ready and went to a birthday party to honor my friend Ana.

Somewhere around 9 pm I was like Ana and Ana's reaction was in shape, so I was welcome, I said great, I sat next to Ana's cousin I didn't know and then the story started and a real party literally everyone was waiting for me because I know music to manage around DJing, I played music to them, they all played and sang and I was sitting next to Marina's cousin from Ana, at one point I noticed that Marina shyly looked at me as if she fell in love at first sight, which was true, but it was like that. I kept quiet because I still don't know her and she doesn't know me.

Ana called me from the side and told me the news that I realized and that is that Marina asked Ana that Ana asked me if I wanted to dance with Marina I agreed as soon as I approached Marina she melted and was very ashamed her cheeks are were red as an apple, I took her hand and started dancing with her and she got lost as if she were on another planet.

After that dance, she gathered the courage, I don't know how, and asked me if I wanted to have fun, and I agreed right away if it was a relative of my best friend Ana.

After the birthday, everyone dispersed and went to their homes, so I went, but Ana asked me to sleep with her in the other room with Marina, I really didn't want to stay, but I still stayed.

Marina lay on the left side of the bed and on the right and then she asked me if I wanted to kiss, I refused because I know what would happen next and I wouldn't do that with a person I only know for a few hours.

Marina was ashamed and turned her back on me, I was a little sorry, but I still thought it was wrong because while they were kissing, something else would surely happen and it would not be fair and correct.

Marina was with Ana for a month we saw each other every day Marina slept with me we kissed and nothing more than that and if Marina tried to sleep and make love I refused it I thought it was too early for that.

The moment has come that Marina has to return home and then chaos ensues, I'm sorry I'm sorry for her but she has to go.

Ana and I escorted Marina to the bus and Marina left the station crying.

After a month Ana called me to come to her for coffee and she told me she had something to tell me but she didn’t tell me right away.

I got ready and went to Ana's when I got there I saw Marina and Ana I was in the mood why didn't you let me know that you were coming to Ana's and we correspond every day?

Marina immediately gave me an explanation that really hurt me and that was that she found another boyfriend and I forgot about her.

When Marina told me that, I was speechless but I still understood, Ana apologized to me but it's not Ana's fault.

After that, Marina packed up and went back to the village with her boyfriend, a month after that Marina got married and became pregnant.

I went to her husband and her and congratulated them all I picked up and went like Marina the day she was with Ana.

So I was left without her that without that strange person Marina and after all she left a mark on my heart but what to do life goes on!

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$ 0.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Stiven
Written by
3 years ago
