How to get rid of dandruff naturally

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It often happens that we get dandruff in our hair and it has a very bad effect when one of our friends sees it, so it often happens that people avoid us and gossip that we have dandruff and do not maintain hygiene properly, so here's how to get rid of dandruff:

You probably already have the best allies in the fight against dandruff at home. Here's what you can do to get rid of these inconveniences.

Dandruff is not dangerous but it is annoying and unpleasant. Especially if you like to wear a dark wardrobe, so the white "crumbs" are on your shoulders during work hours.

The scalp begins to flake when the fungus from the Malassezia strain begins to multiply excessively and causes flaking of the skin. In addition, there are two types of dandruff, the first occurs when the scalp is too dry, the second when the scalp is too oily. Irregular combing and washing of hair, poor nutrition, stress, but also diseases such as eczema or dermatitis can also contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Here's what you should do:

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Dandruff is caused by fungi that we all have on the scalp, and dandruff occurs when they multiply beyond measure, and then cause the scalp cells to die too quickly. "To stop the growth of these fungi, you need a shampoo that contains either the active substance zinc pyrithione or the active substance selenium sulfide," explains dermatologist Joshua Zeichner of Mount Siney Hospital in New York. So, don't follow advertisements, but read the declarations on anti-dandruff shampoos. "You need to massage it well into the scalp, leave it on for at least a minute or two, and then it is important to wash it well. The unpleasant feeling and the amount of dandruff should be slightly reduced after the first use, but it is very important that continue to use this shampoo every day until all the symptoms disappear. It usually happens after a month of regular use, "he says. After that, you should use this shampoo once or twice a week to keep dandruff under control.

Appropriate shampoo

"Untreated dandruff can develop into seborrheic dermatitis," says trichologist (hair and scalp specialist) Dr Sally Ann Tarver for the British Mirror. "In that case, the scalp can become sore and bruised, and in the worst case, hair loss can occur."

The first step in the fight against dandruff, of course, is to use the appropriate shampoo without exception.

"Medical anti-dandruff shampoos prevent the fungi that cause dandruff from multiplying. In addition, these shampoos also do a mild exfoliation of the scalp, so they speed up the solution of the problem," lies Dr. Tarver.

She also notes that the myth is that frequent hair washing only worsens the condition: "Fungi feed on the natural fat of the scalp, so it is very important that you wash your hair often and regularly."

Lemon juice

Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with five teaspoons of coconut oil. Massage the mixture into the scalp and let it stand for about an hour. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse well, and it is best to do this in the morning.

Tea tree oil

Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil (can be bought at the pharmacy) to a small amount of shampoo, apply to the hair and leave it on for about five minutes. Then rinse your hair well, and repeat this procedure once a week.


Crush two aspirin tablets into a powder, mix with a little shampoo and apply to hair. Leave on for about two minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Baking soda

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little water, then massage into the scalp after washing your hair. Leave on for a minute and then rinse your hair well.

Apple cider vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply to the scalp after washing hair, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse hair well.


Any mouthwash can help. Mix one tablespoon with nine tablespoons of water, apply on the scalp after washing your hair. Leave it to act briefly, then rinse.

Coke oil

Wash and dry your hair, but do not apply conditioner. Instead, apply coconut oil, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse well.


Rub it into the damp scalp and leave it on for ten minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.


Massage the gel containing aloe into the scalp, leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


Mash the garlic, mix it with the honey so that you get a smooth mixture. Massage into the scalp, leave on for 15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well.

Olive oil

Massage a dozen drops of olive oil into the threads, put on a shower cap and sleep through it. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well.

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3 years ago
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