Learn how to sell like a boss, master basic emotions use in selling

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3 years ago

Proven Fact: People hate to be sold to, they hate to see that you are just after collecting their money.

Proven Fact: People have needs and those needs have to be met, since they are needs and not wants.

As a seller, you need to find a way to flow along the line of people's needs. When you sell, sell benefits, and not product or service. Make sure the customer sees your aim of adding value to them, and not to make money for yourself.

I will share some basic proven principles with us:

RECIPROCITY is when someone does a favour for you and you feel an obligation to return the favour. Give free values from time to time to your customers in most cases they will feel the need to return such favours by buying from you. Patronise what your customers are selling if it happens to be of benefit to you, they too will feel obligated to patronise you.

POWER OF SOCIAL PROOF: people like to do what they see other people doing. When everyone was buying Gucci, some bought without minding the price, they just want to fit in. Use testimonials of your previous customers to get more customers. Big companies go to the extent of getting celebrities to testify about their products and services.

URGENCY: Most people are natural procastinators, that is why they end up not buying your product and services. You need to help them buy your product or service by putting a timeline to your offers.

SCARCITY: I see iphone applying this strategy a lot. Before an iphone comes out officially they are practically sold out. They have successfully put the strategy of scarcity, hence that makes their customers rush any new offer or product for fear of losing out or product getting sold out.

AUTHORITY: Be an authority in your field, by gaining more knowledge and experience in that field. The likes of Edirin Edewor and John Obidi have become authorities in their field, that is why they can sell to you and you won't feel being sold to. You will rush to buy their offers because you know that the value and benefits in their offers is guaranteed.

People buy from people they like, trust and respect. So position yourself along this lines then you will make massive sales.

Have you gained value? Let me know which point stood out for you in the comments section.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Stevnjr
3 years ago
