Foods that are killing you Slowly.

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Did you know that there are foods you are eating every day that are killing you slowly? Most of us have a number of these foods on our menu. So, analyze what you eat and start making the right choices; you need to start making changes to your diet today. Try to avoid or limit the intake of these foods as much as you can and add Fruits, Spices, herbs, Nuts, Vegetables to your daily intake.

Some of these foods lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, obesity and all the anxiety and depression that can come with it.

Believe it or not, what you put in your mouth serves as one building block to a strong or weak immune system.

Studies have shown that excess consumption of the following foods can compromise your immune system response, making infections more likely.


Carbonated drinks or sodas are one of your worst enemies. They can mess up everything, from your skin, blood sugar levels, to your hormones and mood. All it has is a bunch of sugar, food dyes, and preservatives. And sugar-free versions are no better as they’re packed with harmful artificial sweeteners. Buy a blender or a juice maker and make your juice, please. And if you miss the bubbles, you can always add your homemade fruit juice to some sparkly water.

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