It's good that my little brother watching Dave and Ava, because unlike other cartoons we can assure that he would learn by it. Besides there are many action in cartoons thay mostly children imitate. And some of it is not good for them, mostly in there age. There some content that is not suitable for them. Though it is a cartoon but still some actions are not appropriate for childrens. Besides there are lot of cartoons that have violence even it is just done for action scene, but to the fact that a child could possibly immitate it, it would lead to accident or thinking that it is right to do. So it is good to choose what movie that we can allow them to watch. Or make sure that we are always there to guide them if ever they have question and to make sure their safety. So as of now my little brother enjoy watching dave and ava, and try to sing abc song and many more. And we're not worrying because it is appropriate on his age and will learn from it. Af course with proper guidance.
my little sis too very addicted to a cartoon mean while me my self addicted also on anime haha