Post Partum Depression(personal experience)

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1 year ago

Post Partum Depression happens after a mom giving birth to her child,.There's a lot of adjustments to be done specially when you are a first time mom,.

There are times that you feel so sad that you want to cry even if nothings to be sad on,.You will feel that you are so tired and you want to lay down all day long but you cannot because you have a baby to be taking care of,.

You feel angry even on little things,.You said bad words most of the time,.The feeling of insecurities,.You feel so ugly and old,.Feels like it's not you anymore,.You feel so alone that you get pitty on yourself,.

Post Partum Depression is a serious matter,.So if you know someone who suffers from this please talk to them,.Make them feel that they are not alone,.Make them feel that they were so beautiful and blessed,.Hang out with them,.Take them out for some time,.Maybe a movie date or somewhere they enjoy,.


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