I love my Dictionary. And learning more words. One might think that I would have stopped at school learning words. But knowing a lot of words helps to write better.
I started going through my massive Collins Dictionary from A to Z. It's one of the big word dictionaries and is fun to read. I highlight the words as I go.
It's amazing what you learn about language doing this too. I only learn words I think will be useful in life, business and writing.
I would like to encourage you all to read the dictionary. Not all the words. Skip the ones you won't need or that are too technical for practical modern day purposes. I know you will love it too!
It's best to go over the words you learn the next day and a week later. Be patient and they will start to stick in your memory. It would help to use some in your read cash posts.
Dictionary is a very resourceful book, either hard copy or soft copy. It should be everyone's companion. Thanks @StarLord.