Caesar's health risks, and what to do about Caesar's terrible side effects

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Caesar's health risks: Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter

Ekushey Television

Published: 17:17 27 September 2018 | Updated: 18:30 26 September 2018

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The biggest fear of pregnancy is labor pains. To get rid of this pain, many people decide to have a caesarean section on their own. Thus Caesar is growing uncontrollably. According to doctors, the number of caesareans in the country has increased five times in the last ten years. As a result, on the one hand, the maternal mortality rate is increasing and on the other hand, various problems appear in the mother's body after Caesar.

Gypsy, obstetrician and surgeon of Impulse Hospital Dr. spoke to Ekushey TV Online about the health risks of Caesar's women. Kazi Faiza Akter MBBS, MCPS, FCPS. Interviewed by Ekushey TV Online reporter Ali Adnan.

Ekushey Television Online: What about the harmful aspects of Caesar?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: Caesar is an operation. Any operation will have an effect on the body. The bigger issue is that the cut in the mother's abdomen can lead to a hernia later on. In case of hernia, the skin of the abdomen becomes wrinkled and pushes the esophagus outwards. This is a very common problem for those who have had two or three caesareans. Mothers cannot lose weight as easily after a normal delivery as mothers can after a caesarean section.

We face some problems in the operating theater when it comes to performing any surgery. Such as bleeding in the mother, various parts of the mother's body - such as injuries to the esophagus, urinary bladder. If such a situation occurs, and if it is the mother's third or fourth time caesarean, then it is a matter of risk for the mother that she has to suffer for the rest of her life.

Ekushey TV Online: Many people are currently choosing epidural delivery method for pain free caesarean section. How healthy is this method?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: Epidural is a kind of normal delivery. The child is delivered keeping everything in the normal process. There is no need for Caesar or proliferation.

However, the pain that the mother has in other normal deliveries will not be the same here. The mother will give birth to the child without feeling any pain. Anesthesia plays a big role in this. The doctor gave a small injection in the waist. This is called epadural anesthesia.

The patient does not feel any pain as a result of giving this injection. But the baby goes down normally, gives birth normally, in these cases there are no complications. It is a local anesthesia. Will work locally in that part of the waist. Nothing more.

After this injection the patient will be able to walk normally. You can go to the washroom. She can understand the movement of her child. However, in this case, the patient should be kept under constant monitoring.

Ekushey Television Online: How do you complete the whole process?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: What we are doing in that case, I am a consultant, along with my registrar, my medical officer, a nurse and an anesthesiologist, we all always monitor the patient. The baby's heartbeat, the condition of the mother's uterus, how the cervix opened, etc. are seen.

In addition, as a result of giving epidural, the mother has to keep an eye on whether all other aspects including blood pressure are OK.

Ekushey Television Online: Mother feels a pain during normal delivery. Does the mother feel that pain in the epidural system?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: Yes, there are two things. Maybe one, her (mother's) pain started from home. After the pain subsided, the mother came and was admitted to the hospital. It could be a matter. And the pain does not mean to be born. Many have a misconception. They think, I live in Uttara, I live in Narayanganj. How do I get so far in pain? What I am saying is that after the pain arises, we divide it into two parts. One is the latent phase, the other is the active phase.

The active phase is fairly fixed. Six to seven hours. Butt latent phase but not fixed. In that case, when the mother is in pain, she has about seven or eight hours to go to the hospital. So he can come to us from far away. That's one aspect. There may be another aspect. Everything is OK according to his date. Even then the pain did not arise. We waited seven days. In that case we admitted him to the hospital and got rid of the pain through medicine. When she felt the pain, the cervix began to open, then at some point the mother would say, no, I can't stand the pain anymore. We then gave him epidural anesthesia.

Ekushey Television Online: What are the side effects of epidural delivery?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: It is a local anesthesia. Problems can occur during anesthesia no matter what happens. Maybe mom’s blood pressure can bear fruit. Or even after giving anesthesia, 90 percent may be pain free but 10 percent may be in pain. There may be some pain like this.There may be some pain like this. However, the doctor managed it immediately. And the truth is that there are no side effects in Expert Hand. After delivery, the doctor just took out the epidural tube. After that there are no more side effects.

Ekushey Television Online: How much does epidural delivery cost?

Dr. Kazi Faiza Akhter: Delivering a pain-free child at Impulse Hospital costs a total of 45-50 thousand

.C-section delivery is a surgical procedure in which a doctor makes a hole in the wall of the mother's abdomen and her uterus to deliver the baby. Most C-section procedures are performed when there is a problem with the normal delivery of the baby. The C-section is a life saver in cases where giving birth in a normal way can be very complicated and risky.


Is Caesar's birth safe?

In earlier days, it was believed that the C-section procedure was more risky, but with the advancement of surgery, the procedure has now reached a point where there is no longer any risk. Although vaginal delivery should be your first choice if you have no problems with pregnancy or labor, childbirth is also completely safe with a C-section.

Delivery is necessary in a C-section procedure where there is a risk to the life of the mother or baby at birth. For the good of both the mother and the baby in such cases, it is a much better option than giving birth through the vagina. Also, the C-section procedure is the only option where the baby's delivery process begins but does not continue, or if the mother carries more than one baby, or if the baby is large in size.


Although there are some risks in all operations, the first caesarean section usually does not cause any serious complications, especially if the operation is planned and the mother is healthy.

Advantages of C-section

C-section may be the best option for you and your baby if your doctor advises you to choose it. C-section delivery has some advantages that are not available in normal delivery. The advantages of natural birth to c-section birth are:


Delivery in a planned way

If the delivery is planned in your C-section process, you will be able to understand and take care of your and the baby's needs in advance.

There is no fear of being torn

Delivery during the C-section can relieve you of the worry of tearing the area between the back passage, perineum and vagina. However, labor pains occur during C-section and are as intense as vaginal labor.


Less discomfort

The C-section also causes considerable discomfort during delivery, but you are protected from pain and injury in the area between the vagina and the perineum during normal delivery.

Bleeding in small amounts

Bleeding is relatively rare in the first few days of delivery during the C-section procedure.


Complaints of water leakage are less

Women who give birth through the C-section procedure do not complain of water coming out while coughing or laughing.

Less sexual problems

People who give birth during the C-section have less sexual problems because there are no cuts or stitches in the perineum and vagina.


Damage to the pelvic region is less likely

C-section does not cause any damage to the pelvic floor, which can occur during delivery by a vagina.

Injuries during birth

The C-section procedure reduces the use of tweezers during delivery, and therefore reduces the chances of the baby suffering trauma during birth.


The infection does not spread

If the mother has an HIV-like illness or a viral load is detected during pregnancy, the risk of transmission from mother to baby is reduced by giving birth in a C-section.

Difficulty in delivery during C-section procedure

It is important to know the risks that can be created for both mother and baby from delivery in a C-section procedure.


Difficulty in delivery during C-section for mother

The risks to a mother in the C-section procedure include:


Mothers need a lot of painkillers during the C-section process and it may take longer for the mother to recover than the mother who gave birth through the vagina. After delivery in the C-section procedure, women are seen to complain of pain and abdominal discomfort at the wound site (where the stitches are). Abdominal discomfort sometimes lasts more than a month.


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During C-section surgery, the mother may bleed a lot if there is more bleeding than usual. If there is a lot of bleeding, it may be necessary to give blood.

Infection after surgery

Before the operation in the C-section procedure, the mother is given antibiotics to reduce the chances of infection. However, infection can still occur and it is a very common side effect of delivery during the C-section procedure. There may be a dripping of juice and redness from the woman's wound, and a of pain may be felt or irritation may be noticed in the wound. This can happen to women who are overweight or have diabetes. Endometritis is an infection of the lining of the uterus, and it causes excessive and irregular bleeding or foul-smelling discharge and sometimes

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