A kitten was gang-raped for 1 week and died after hellish torture

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Avatar for Sraboni3632
3 years ago

How many more pictures of human cruelty and cruelty on helpless animals? There is no end to it. The situation is similar not only in our country, but in every corner of the globe. The incident took place in Lahore, Pakistan. A kitten was gang-raped there.

The kitten died as a result of cruel torture. A 15-year-old boy and his friends accused of gang-rape.

The incident came to light after an animal protection organization in Pakistan posted details of the whole incident on Facebook.

It is learned that the parents of the teenager brought the cat home. After that, the minor gang-raped the cat along with his friends for a week.

The kitten endured hellish torment. Various parts of his body were torn and torn. From there the bleeding started. Seeing that, the parents of the teenager took the child to the vet.

The female doctor rescued him from there. He said the kitten was in so much pain that he could not walk, eat, sit or sleep. He was in severe trauma.

Lots of blood and semen are found in the baby's body. It was then suspected that something unusual had happened to the cub. The doctor repeatedly questioned the accused teenager and his parents. But they dismissed the allegations.

In the end, when threatened to expose all the misdeeds, the juvenile rapist confessed. After that, the doctor went to the Facebook page of the animal protection organization and wrote the details of the whole incident. "This is Pakistan," he wrote. And these are the men of Pakistan. They are now raping women and children as well as animals. This will do justice to this little cub. Where our women and children get no justice after being raped. "

Unfortunately, despite the doctor's best efforts, the innocent kitten could not be saved.

I am not a sociologist. Not an analyst or a psychologist. I can only give my opinion from my position. I can teach my family, my children. We can make them better people. That's what I did. Creating respect for any woman has given them the opportunity to develop human qualities. I have taught them to protect themselves. As a 'mother', I have been aware of my duties and responsibilities.

In 2012, a 23-year-old girl was gang-raped on a moving bus in Delhi. The girl got on the bus with her friend. It's not just rape. The main rapist bus driver stabbed a rod girl in the vagina and anus. He then slapped his hand and pulled out all the entrails inside and threw the girl along with her friend on the side of the road without any clothes. Delhi Police arrested everyone within 24 hours. Execution was ordered. Surprisingly, none of them had the slightest regret in their statements. The main accused was killed in Trihar jail. Called suicide. The rest were hanged. A man under the age of 18 was sentenced. Most of the defendants said, ‘What has happened has happened. No polite girl stays out of the house at 9 pm. Their job is to go home, not to the disco. Not to wear modern clothes. 'You can watch the picture on Netflix's 7 episode' Delhi Crime '. The girl died 2 weeks later. This incident of 2012 shocked the educated community.

Yes, everyone has been hanged. Has rape decreased?

India is one of the countries in the world with the highest rape rate. In 2016, an average of five women were raped every day. Many more rapes were not recorded.

Newspapers and online news outlets on Facebook, Twitter and other media outlets are saying the same thing, wanting the rapists hanged. Don’t worry. One rapist will be hanged, a group of new rapists will be formed. I just gave an example. Rape is not just a crime, it is a terrible social disorder. Why is a rapist being created - is anyone trying to figure it out?

Bangladesh is growing first

Every time there is a rape, the Bengalis shout and want to be hanged. I want to be hanged. Dilute rape murder, Nusrat, the current child Saima! Do you remember that child Tania from the High Court? Or not? In the last 6 months alone, 631 women and children have been raped. Among them 26 people have been killed. This is the report of the women's council. Last year this number was 942. In other words, the record of 2016 has been surpassed in the first 6 months of 2019. In two reports titled 'Bangladesh Child Rights Forum' and 'Child Welfare Forum', 32 disabled children were also raped. The information in this report is even more frightening. So far in 2019, 2156 children have been abused. Of these, 98 died. Compared to last year, the rate of child rape has already increased by 41 percent this year.

Rape victims receive counseling, police and legal assistance through eight one-stop crisis centers across the country. There have been 4,341 cases of sexual harassment from these centers, which have been established in phases since 2001, of which 56 have been tried and only 74 have been convicted. We are the whole nation sitting when another woman or child will be raped / murdered / killed. And we will post on Facebook. The media front page will give headlines with pictures for a while. Some organizations will human chain. Will present some intimate speech. Busy. Again everyone is busy. Waiting for the next rape / murder / victim. Well, none of the Bengali men are raped?

What in the world is going on?

Lately, Facebook has posted a circular about the punishment of rapists in different countries. Despite being the pinnacle of the Muslim world, Saudi Arabia has made it to the top of the world's rape rate list (Wikipedia Rape Statistics). Rape is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. But it will take 4 eyewitnesses. What a farce in the name of punishment! Another Muslim country, Pakistan, also tops the list. The punishment for that country is also death.

Europe or America is not behind. But there is more than just rape, eve-teasing, racist behavior or sexual harassment of any woman to be punished. In the peace-loving country of Sweden, 69 out of 1 lakh people were raped (2014). However, most of the rapists are foreigners. In France, a law was passed in 1980 that rape is a crime.

Class inequality

As long as class inequality in the country is not reduced, it is not possible to prevent rape with thousands of punishments. One thing is noticeable that 99% of rapes in Bangladesh are happening in the lower class. In the aristocracy it is not or very little. Because only the nobles are educated. The law knows and aristocratic men are getting it easily in exchange for money or love to feed their bodies. But what are the chances of men coming from the lower strata of society? Not only that, they have no idea about the human body. But for the sake of smart phone or watching porn in DVD shop. The complete incompatibility between their social status and their dream of watching porn or finding a girl's body is making them 'rapists'. They have no criminal record. But he is not hesitating to kill by rape. There is a dire lack of education or humanity among the people with brutal instincts. To this class of men, girls, regardless of age, are just an 'object'. Not people. The system of our society is putting in their heads the only thing that women enjoy. Enjoy them, kill them, torture them. No matter.

Where is the research on rapists?

To date, I have not seen any statement from any newspaper or government where any kind of research has been done on child and women rapists. Why is the number of perverted rapists increasing so much in our country? The government does not have a headache to know the reason. We ordinary people do not know. But I am cracking my throat because I want to be hanged. Those who are rapists all live in our society. In most cases child rapists are known to children or families. But how far we are from its cause and solution!

Lack / education / dream / reality

The government is showing our country as a 'digital' dream country. But how many working class people know the meaning of this word? Men who are accustomed and born in slums or inhumane living are on the one hand giving birth to disgust and despair towards the society due to scarcity. On the other hand, watching porn on the internet is going on. There is no benefit in shutting down YouTube. DVD, VCD will start as in the previous era. This information has come up in various studies on rapists or criminals in any country of the world. In the absence of education they cannot differentiate between reality and dreams or needs. The simplest victim is the child. Mortality where dead. The rapists are reluctant to give the child a chance. We have a huge budget like Bangabandhu Satellite. Or the budget to celebrate 50 years. But the government does not have the mood or the budget to teach ‘Mordal’ in slums or in mills or anywhere else in schools. In religious schools, some madrasa teachers have become rapists. Even mooseball teachers.

Growing up and family and society

This is because the children of floating families are being victimized or rapists are being created from among them. What is the reason? First of all, both husband and wife work due to lack of these families. They do not have the time or ability to look after the baby at home. So children are being sacrificed easily. The rapists are roaming around them. Not only that, many girls in these families do not have education system. Gives homework or garments. Boys, on the other hand, enjoy all kinds of freedom. At a very young age he sees all the dark aspects of society. They have no contact with women other than their own mother and sister. They have not learned to respect women. Rural society is even more frightening. I have seen in the news many times that mothers and daughters are raped in the village and they are made to walk around with their heads bowed in front of the villagers. Who will teach them?

Urban educated men or less?

Tell me, educated men of the city, with your hands on your chests, don't you see a beautiful woman or any other woman walking in front of many of you? Or do not follow him in the corner of the eye? Don't comment? Don't look at your friend's wife? Doesn't it bother female colleagues smartly? For your information, all these are subject to sexual harassment. Dive into yourself before you ask for someone else's execution to see how clean you are! Do not walk the streets of Dhaka once dressed as a woman? Can you stand it? Don't go around the market? I think such men should be brainwashed with herpes.

Something more

The culprits, who, in my opinion, are responsible for raping women's clothing, should also be punished. These excuses indirectly fuel human rape. What could be their reason for the rape and murder of thousands of children? In my opinion, only 10 percent of rapists are strangers. All the other rapists are children or women of the family, neighborhood, relatives, elders of the father's age, khalu, dulabhai, cousin or acquaintances. The problem of the rapist is not the dress but the mental disorder. None of us go deep into the problem. Do not identify psychological or social causes. According to the World Bank, the participation of working women in Bangladesh (15 years and above) by 2017 is only 36 percent. This number is shameful compared to any developing country. It is not enough to just say 'tide of development' in the country. In that country the number of women is equal to or greater than that of men. As long as women's participation in the workplace does not increase in that country. Men will not consider women as human beings. Stay away from respect.

First of all, emergency bail was denied

Execution is a much later matter. How can rapists be released on bail? There is nothing that is not possible in our country. However, the indifference of the police department is unacceptable.

If the government can enact a law on violence against women. But why is it not possible to amend the child and women rape law and enact it quickly? The rapists are being granted bail. After that, drama has been going on in the name of justice for years. It is very important to stop this. Special tribunal requires trial within 1 month. It is important to give maximum punishm

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Avatar for Sraboni3632
3 years ago


the government can enact a law on violence against women. But why is it not possible to amend the child and women rape law and enact it quickly? The rapists are being granted bail. After that, drama has been going on in the name of justice for years. It is very important to stop this. Special tribunal requires trial within 1 month. It is important to give maximum punishm

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3 years ago