Way we are losing ourself's: Porn addiction

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2 years ago

Watching adult movies or porn all day and living in an illusion that you're not addicted, there's nothing more dirty and dark trap than this. Everyone thinks that everyone sees, so it is completely normal. But you don't realize that you've fallen into a trap when you're watching 5-6 times a day, and the whole excitement of your life is coming from here.

In 2019, a very famous porn website reported that they get 115 million visits per day. And in a survey, it was found that 100% of boys of 15-29 years old who have internet access watch porn. Now it's so easy too, everyone has a phone, go and see.

A porn addict brain and a drug addict brain gave the same results. But am I saying that completely stop watch And those who are actually trying to quit porn addiction, I want to give them just a simple task, you only have to leave for 10 days. Leaving just 10 days, the next level changes will come in your life, Look, you won't feel anything special in the first 24 hours. Just your mood will get better, you'll get a little excited about things nd on the second day of quitting porn, you will be very anxious, and you may not even be able to sleep at night. And you won't even be able to concentrate on things properly.

And why does this happen?

Because you already watched s0 much porn that now you need more. You're freaking out because you used to watch so much porn everyday, that your brain's neuroplasticity changes. Means you've literally changed your brain. So, obviously when you've quit porn for 4-5 days then you'll start watching porn again. Now it's reason is that you're getting so much anxiety, you're not able to sleep, you feel strange and freaked out. So many people go back to watch porn. But if you just controlled those 4-5 days, So in about 10 days or 2 weeks, you can do some difficult work, like studying, solving math problems, or doing some difficult office work, you'll be able to start doing all this for a long time. If you've controlled for 1 month, your concentration will reach the next level. Your thought process will become clear. And after that, it will be much easier to control porn. In about 3 months your brain will come back to the perfect straight.

How you become a super form of human being by quitting porn?

I won't talk about masturbation. The first advantage that you'll have is that, your mind will get out of the world of fiction, and you'll be back in the real world. The expectations you have about intercourse are changed drastically by watching porn. Some people say that masturbation isn't a problematic thing, the problem is porn. Now the biggest reason for masturbation is porn itself. There are weird categories of porn are going on these days.

Unrealistic scenarios are there. Means have you ever seen any such porn in which there are 10 girls and one boy? If you watch this type of porn many times, or you will see some strange type of porn again and again, these expectations will get fixed in your mind, believe it or not, this will get fixed in your subconscious mind. But in actual life there is one girl or max 2 girls. Means there's 1 boy or girl, but there's only one person. And in porn, you see the costume of a maid or in the costume of a nurse, all this in real life...

These things don't happen in real life. Now you will see in porn that orgasms are happening screaming and jumping around. If that doesn't happen in real life. then you'll be totally disappointed. And because of porn, your expectations reach to such a different level, that when you come to do something in real life, you get erectile dysfunction.

The second thing that will happen to you after leaving porn is your confidence boost. Your confidence goes down by seeing them. And above all, such chemicals come out of your mind after watching porn, and you must have also felt that after watching porn, you feel very guilty. So, all these things cause a lot of depression and it is scientifically proven that watching porn causes depression. And when you masturbate after watching porn, it releases such chemicals that can lead to depression in the long term.

Another thing that will happen to you after quitting porn is that you will be happy, you will be able to be a happy person. So as I told you porn causes depression but what is its science in actual?

There's a chemical in your brain called dopamine. Whenever you do something exciting, the dopamine is released, such as, had sex or masturbation, porn. But when you do that thing over and over again, dopamine is rapidly released because of that thing. Your brain will now be completely immune to the release of that dopamine. Because the brain also has to maintain a balance that this much dopamine has to be released in a day. Now from other things like talking to girls, watching movies, reduce dopamine completely from them, let it come out through porn only. Now you realize that now you will have to watch more. So, the joys of daily life, like having fun with friends, you don't get any fun from there. When you leave, you start enjoying the things of daily life a lot more. Your brain starts releasing a lot of dopamine.

Are you addicted to watching porn?

If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments...

thanks :)

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