The EYES That Sees Through

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Everyone take actions In the dark, where even their shadows isn't visible and not another eyes saw their acts, in fact it is a well thought plan and they are gone Scott free. Yet how the consequences for our dark actions Still finds a way to catch up with us still baffles humanity as a whole, many has tagged it as Karma, others believe there its just fate.

There is undoubtedly an eyes that sees all, that can view in the dark, that knows already the deepest of thought, there is no hidden cases from him, moreover he created us all, our minds, our brains, our emotions, he made it all, there isn't any thing that was made without him, the bible says "Without him was nothing made that was made". His sight sees through walls, see through the body, sees through the heart, he in fact knows all things.

In him is true wisdom, he knows the motive for all actions and judges aright. He is the best judge as well as the most fearful, he his the most merciful as well as the roaring lion, he is the loveliest as well as the one everyone trembles at, he's the lamb as well as a lion. He alone see through all. If there is any case still bothering you, simply pray to him and leave him to intervene, he knows and would take the best action to see justice served.

He knows all things that's why he's called the Omniscient, he is all powerful that's why he's the Omnipotent, he's the ever present God, that's why he's the Omnipresent, he is every where at every time, there is no barrier hidden from his sight, moreover he knows the end from the beginning, he is magnificent in power and we should be aware that judgement awaits all our actions, and seeing that we can't hide from his sight let's be sure to take responsibilities for our actions.

Our lives are in his sight and his hands, he has given us the gift of choice, we choose what we do and how we live our lives, but lets know that in all and all we should live to please him, God loves us all, We love him too also, let's carry on living aright.

Life is ours to take charge of and live is the best possible way, because at the end of a life time there is a much more longer time to live in eternity, no matter how long we live on earth, it's nothing compared to a life of eternity, which is another word for forever. If this is only but a game then we should play it right and make eternity our main goal and pursuit in life. So we must have it in the back of our minds that there is nothing hidden from our God, he is supreme and he sees beyond. He knows it all, he is the eyes that see it all.

The good news remains he is active in blessing us, he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him, let's be always up and doing, and ensure we are always being in tune with him as the author and finisher of our faith. Be filled with joy knowing that he is s lovely father and he always chastise with love, if he does act be sure he is always acting from a place of love, he doesn't hate anyone, he loves us all equally, both the good and bad, he loves us all, though he hate the bad act, but he loves our person and want to see us be as good and great as possible. He doesn't hate anyone, he loves us all and is wanting to see us succeed greatly in life. Our is a loving father, he sees it all and loves us all the same.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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