City at Night

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Written by
3 years ago

Photography by me

Since our childhood we have read mainstream moonlit night compositions where the writer only described the village scenarios. Today I am going to talk about the beauty of a moonlit night of the urban region.

Big towns and cities jave their own royalti. At night when there are no natural light, and all the lights of the roads and buildings are on, nothing can beat that beauty. That shine is what have attracted people towards city life for a long time.

Here in the picture you can see how amazing everything is looking under that full moon. These are the moments when people cannot help stopping to enjoy nature. And also, we can feel the strength of natural beauty. No matter how much attractive man made creations are, they all fade away even in front of the minimum natural beauty.

Thats why since the birth of the world, no matter how ahead scientifically we get, we come back to nature eventually.

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Written by
3 years ago
