How to Be a Billionaire: Let's Learn it From Self-Made Billionaire Naveen Jain

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1 year ago

Most people want to be millionaires, but becoming a billionaire is a pipe dream for many others. Only those who dream large enough, like Naveen Jain, believe they can make a billion dollars, and he proved them wrong.

Before the dot-com boom burst, Naveen launched InfoSpace, which was one of the largest online corporations in the United States. He was also a co-founder of Moon Express, a corporation that aims to eventually mine the Moon for its natural resources.

Naveen now devotes all of his time and energy to the mission of mining the Moon and making a difference in people's lives. That said, how did he come by his fortune and get to the billion-dollar mark? This sums up the entire point of the piece.

In this article, we will look at Naveen Jain's thoughts, his actions, and what he thinks are the most important aspects in his success.

Make a Good Start to Your Day
Naveen says he used to wake up between 430 and 5 a.m. in a video interview. Naveen is of the opinion that if you want to be successful, you need to put in the time and effort to get there. In addition, getting up early is a simple approach to accomplish this. He wakes up earlier than other people because he believes it will give him more time to complete his tasks and set the tone for the rest of the day.

The likes of Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, Oprah Winfrey, Tim Cook, and others are early risers, as are many successful people. There are no distractions in the early morning hours, so you can concentrate on your task and get more done with minimum interruptions. Mornings are the finest time of day to make good judgments and perform at your best since your brain is fresh and fully charged.

Early risers may be able to get out of bed, but they're not necessarily doing what matters. Keeping the same three morning routines has become a way of life for Naveen Jain. In the beginning, he reads the news and blogs, as well as catching up on email. After that, he'll go to the gym and work out. Before starting work, he'll meditate, too.

Read emails, news, and blogs to keep up to date
Naveen said that this is the first thing he will do when he wakes up. Then he'll check out some news and blogs to see what other people are saying.

Reading the news and staying up to date on current events are two of his most crucial success criteria, according to him. This daily ritual was adopted by Warren Buffett, the world's most successful investor, who read six newspapers.

In today's competitive business environment, it is critical to be up-to-date. Things may change so quickly, and new technology appears nearly daily. Naveen, on the other hand, works in the space mining industry, where remaining current is critical. In addition, he claims that reading the news and other sources of information is a type of mental exercise for him.

Exercising and Working Out
In the second part of Naveen's morning routine, he will work out and exercise. Considered to be one of the most critical success criteria, every great leader possessed this quality. To make the most of the remainder of your day, you need to get a good start by exercising and focusing on your mental and physical health.

For 45 minutes a day, six days a week, former US President Barrack Obama works out. Exercise is the first thing he does every day, rotating between lifting weights and doing cardio, he adds. When asked about how early he gets up to go swimming, kite surfing, or tennis, Richard Branson once again stated that he gets up at 5 a.m. In the morning, people like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, and Tim Cook work out before going to the office.

There's no substitute for regular physical activity in order to maintain your body healthy and fit. The majority of people did not exercise because they were either too lazy or too busy to get up early in the morning. People like Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook are tremendously busy, but they nevertheless find the time to exercise regularly. And if they do, it only goes to show how important physical activity is, so maybe we should give it a try.

For his final preparation, Naveen will take some time to meditate. He adds that in business, if you don't have the right mental, physical, and spiritual preparation you won't succeed. In order to prepare his soul for what is ahead, he meditates.

Meditation has been scientifically proven to offer numerous health advantages. To name a few benefits, meditating lowers stress, enhances attention, heightens self-awareness, and increases feelings of contentment and well-being.

You may imagine that Indian people like Naveen, who are from the eastern lands, are more likely to meditate because of this, but this is not the case. Westerners, like many others in our modern culture, have discovered the benefits of meditation. Many well-known and successful people, including Naveen, have incorporated meditation into their morning ritual.

This morning, Tony Robbins says he meditates for 10 minutes. "I start my day with Transcendental Meditation," singer Katy Perry says, quoting Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post. "I meditate for about 20-30 minutes every morning." It has a calming effect on me. For the first 20 minutes of my day, I merely prop myself up in bed. "It's the only time my mind truly rests," she said.

Effort is a Necessity
To achieve one's goals in life, Naveen believes that one must work one's hardest possible. He claims to put in long days at the office and to always do his best.

There is no substitute for hard work, and there is no way around it. Naveen asserts that the only way to achieve greatness in life is to perform to the peak of your abilities. When you're at your best, you need to be completely committed to your work. The majority of individuals take things for granted and never give their full effort in any situation. The outcome is a mediocre existence where they only think about what they want and don't do anything about it.

Studying famous entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Steve Jobs, you'll see that they put in long hours and work hard to get where they are. It is well known that Bill Gates, who founded Microsoft and is one of the world's wealthiest men, never took any time off in his early twenties. Same may be said about Elon Musk's idea of establishing colonies on the red planet and making space travel a reality. When Elon was younger, he used to put in up to 100 hours of work a week, not counting weekends.

Because most individuals prefer to have fun rather than concentrate on their goals and objectives, you may think that working all day is a waste of time. Naveen Jain is an example of a successful person who enjoys his profession as much as he enjoys playing. They can spend the entire day doing their "job," since they enjoy it so much. Because they enjoy what they do, their jobs become more than just a job to them.

So find a method to make your job your passion. A career in which you are truly happy is one in which you will never have to put in another day's effort. You'll be able to enjoy your work more when it becomes your hobby. Like Richard Branson once said, "A business has to be engaging, exciting, and use your creative instinct. You spend about 80% of your life at work. What's the use of working hard if you can't enjoy yourself as much as you do at home? It wasn't work or play to Sir Richard Branson; they were just two parts of his existence.

Make Big Money by Solving Big Issues
Naveen Jain's success may be attributed to his ability to solve large-scale difficulties. According to Naveen, being able to solve difficulties is a prerequisite for success in life. In order to earn a million dollars, find a million dollar problem to solve. A billion dollar problem can be solved by learning how to solve it.

Humans in the Stone Age sharpened a stick and turned it into a spear thousands of years ago. In spite of the fact that they have no idea how to hunt for food, they have somehow figured out how to make a spear that can be utilized in the field. As we move into the modern day, businesses are being formed every day to tackle difficulties. Do you know why vehicles and computers were invented? Of course, they're trying to find a solution to a specific issue. People are also eager to pay for solutions to issues when those solutions are found. Solving difficulties is a good way to earn money.

Money is a byproduct.
Naveen is the father of three children. He was once informed by one of his sons that he will surpass his father in wealth and accomplishment one day. Naveen was impressed, but he cautioned his son that he might have misunderstood the situation. Getting rich, according to Naveen, isn't the only way to be successful. It is true that money is vital, but the essence of success is not derived from making money alone.

That money is just a byproduct of hard work is what Naveen told his son. Success is about making a positive difference in other people's lives. Kairos Society, a non-profit network of undergraduate entrepreneurs, was founded as a result of this experience by the father's son.

Rather of seeing money as a means to an end, Naveen sees it as a byproduct of your hard work. If you're making a difference in people's lives, from your own neighborhood to the world at large, then money will follow, he says. As soon as you help those in need, money will begin to pour in as a reward for your efforts.

People fail because they focus on making money instead of helping others and improving their life. If accumulating wealth is the ultimate goal, highly successful people will cease to work as soon as they find their first gold nugget. A good example is Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos. While he is a multi-billionaire and one of the world's richest men, he is not content to sit on his wealth. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has the option to step down and retire at any time.

Every other wealthy entrepreneur, such as Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Mark Zuckerberg, is in the same boat. If they could retire and live their lives as billionaires, why do they continue to work every day?

When it comes to these folks, money is only a result. Think about it: if all you do is labor for money, you'll never accumulate much of it.

In the first place, you may be focusing too much on the money, which may lead you to overlook the most critical component in the success of your business, which is producing value. Second, if money is your only goal, you'll quit before you get there. Those who have achieved great success have a deep enthusiasm for their work, which is why they are willing to put in the hours even if they don't make a lot of money. The extra effort pays off in the form of exceptional results from their labor. As a result, they don't stop working just because they've made it big. They're passionate about their work, and it shows.

While if you're working for money, you'll stop as soon as you fail to make a profit from your endeavor. This means you shouldn't ever think about making money. If you want to make a difference in the lives of others, follow Naveen's counsel.

Decide on a game that you have a chance of winning.
One of the most crucial aspects of success according to Naveen Jain is playing a game that you can win. If you're not interested in making a profit, there's no purpose in starting a business; instead, create a non-profit organization.

Naveen tells an interviewer that he is not a risk taker. Naveen asserts that the majority of business owners are not willing to take risks. They take a risk in a business where they know they will succeed.

For success, it's essential that one envisions themselves as successful and has enough vision to envisage the future they want. You're doomed to failure if you lack self-assurance, don't have clear objectives, and don't know what you want to achieve in your business. Do not start a business before you know what you want to accomplish. Playing a game is only fun if you can win.

Be Bold and Dream Big
With Naveen, you can see that he is someone who believes in going for the long haul. A lot of people will believe that Naveen is insane or a lunatic if he tells them what he does for a living: "mining on the Moon." That wasn't Naveen's take on things, however. Naveen, on the other hand, is a big-thinker. A person is said to be thinking too little if their actions aren't questioned by others who are not in the know about what they're doing.

This amazing achievement in his life can be attributed to his habit of thinking large. "Aim for the stars, even if you fail, you will land on the Moon," as the adage goes. Naveen, on the other hand, has been doing just that.

In the case of Donald Trump, the rich real estate mogul who was elected President of the United States, this is exactly what has happened to him now. If you love or loathe Trump, he's famous for a remark that reads, "I like thinking big. Because if you're going to think anything, think large." He was a millionaire because of his capacity to see the broader picture. As a result, he won the election and became President of the United States because he had the courage to dream big and think large.

You Can't Get Rich by Being Who You Are.
A native of India, Naveen spent his childhood in the country's rural areas. In spite of his family's poverty, Naveen and his siblings were able to attend college, despite the fact that there were no chairs, tables, or whiteboards in their home. Naveen went to the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, where he received an engineering degree, while his sister completed a post-doctoral degree and his brother completed a Ph.D. in computer science and statistics at the same institution.

It was Naveen's hard work and perseverance that allowed him to grow to become a multi-billionaire. As a matter of fact, Naveen thinks that the struggles and obstacles he's faced have made him the person he is now. He attributes his success to his poor upbringing. When asked about how his morals were formed, he said that his life experiences had turned him into who he is now.

Anyone can shine and become a millionaire if Naveen can do it while growing up in a disadvantaged family. To succeed in life, you have to put in a lot of effort and dedication despite the fact that your background does not decide your future. What matters most is that you take risks, learn to deal with significant challenges and never lose sight of the fact that success is measured not by how much money you make, but by how many lives you change.

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