6 Reasons Girls Will Continue To Reject You Even If They Love You And The Solutions To Them.

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3 years ago

Thousands, if not millions of men globally has a problem of getting along with a girl they like because of one reason or the other. Sometimes they ask themselves why they remain single with the believe that girls don't want them.

If you are finding it difficult to get along with girls or even have a girlfriend your whole life, this article will do you good on why girls keep on rejecting you even when they may be in love with you and how to fix all those problems. Try to keep aside sentiment while reading and keep yourself in the shoes of the girl.

1. You Forget Too Much.

Girls love the feeling of being special to anyone they are in a relationship with. They love to feel special and love a guy who makes memories with them and also remember it.

For example, girls want a guy who remembers everything, Like the first meeting, first date, first night, the anniversaries and other sweet memories you two had together.

When you remember all these things and keep it in mind and celebrating those days, they feel the energy is still there and want to be there with you.

Once they feel you don't remember about some of these things, they feel you don't care and cherish the moments you two had together.

2. You Smell Bad.

I don't feel there is anybody in this world who can deal with bad smell like body and mouth odour. You can't have a bad breath and bad odour and want someone to stay with you. How will you walk up to a girl with such bad odour and expect her to agree on your proposal ?.

No girl wants someone with bad smell. Try and keep clean, bath at least twice a day and use good deodorants and perfumes. Girls love a man who smells nice and lovely.

3. Poor Dressing Sense.

Dressing is one of the thing girls look out on a man body whenever they walk up to them. Dressing makes the first impression. Trying and be dressing nice and not like a tout wearing torn rugged and ripple jeans.

Also keep in mind to wear something of your size not wearing something bigger than your body. Don't dress like a someone who doesn't have a mirror at home.

4. You Are Broke.

This might sound funny but it's true. You can't be jobless and be looking for a girl to date. Girls like a responsible man who can Atleast buy her one or two things she might need at some point. You are like a helper to her not only a partner. Girls want your support as well not just your presence in the relationship.

You don't expect a girl to take care of you, you take care of her and that is what makes you a man.

5. You Are Too Stingy.

This point is to defend number 4 as people will say the love is not just about money. You don't need to have millions with you before you start being a helper to your partner.

It's not about the amount you give but the love it was given with. Make her feel that if you have the world you can give it just to help her. Don't be stingy with your partner no matter how little you have.

6. No future plans.

No girl will be dedicated to you and want to stay with you for long if she's not seeing any signs of a future plan or seeing herself in your future. Every girl want to get married at some point after having a relationship with you.

Try to have a saving that has a plan for future establishment and family. Don't just be in the relationship with the mind that tomorrow will provide for itself and you will take it as you see it. Build your own future and make it happen.

What are your thoughts about this ?. Do you agree with these few points ?. Kindly leave us a comment below on the comment section and tell us your opinion about this.

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3 years ago
