6 Side Hustles You Can Start Today And Make $800 A Month

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2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin, Update, Ethereum, Write, Money, ...

In this day and age, it is pretty hard to make ends meet with just one income.

If you are struggling to provide for your family or save money for a big purchase, side hustles can be the answer you have been looking for. In fact, in today’s economy, an extra $800 per month would go a long way toward putting your finances on the right track.

I’m going to mention 6 Side Hustles that would make between $700 and $1000 each month.

1. Sell Canva Templates
Canva is a free online graphic design program. It lets you create and sell templates for social media, business cards, infographics and more. Canva templates can be used by both personal and professional users and it’s the perfect tool to help people with no design experience create stunning graphics.
The question is where to sell those templates. For that, some reliable platforms are:

•Creative market
•Design Bundles.

2. Start YouTube
If you have the skill of storytelling, you should start a YouTube channel. You can do anything on YouTube — sing songs, make vlogs or teach something that you know. We all have heard about YouTube’s monetization policies and the earnings they provide. Once you build an audience, then you can create premium content and sell it to your audience.

3. Sell Online Courses
As online education and the idea of “lifelong learners” continues to grow, so does the market for online courses. According to research from 2016, there has been a 30% increase in people who have purchased at least one type of online course.
There are many different reasons why you might want to create your own online course: as a way to supplement income or as an additional business venture that can be done on the side.

And during the pandemic, you know everything well…..

There is always an opportunity to sell online courses. On Udemy, for example, there are over 15 million students who have enrolled in online courses. Even if you can’t get your course listed on the top sites, you can still generate sales with social media, or by selling it directly from your own site.

These are some best platforms to get started:


4. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is an easy way to start making money online. There are many affiliate programs you can join, and affiliates typically earn 50% of the sale or more if they promote a good product.

The best part about affiliate marketing is that there are so many different ways you can promote products. You can write posts on your blog, use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, create YouTube videos, or even send out mass emails or texts to your contacts.

You can find lots of companies that provide affiliate networks, some of them are given below:

•eBay Partner Network
•Share Sale

5. Start Writing
If you are a writer, you should start writing for a side hustle. Writing is one of the best professions for making extra money on the side because it’s easy to do and there are so many different types of writing jobs out there.

Writing can be done from anywhere in the world, by anyone with an internet connection, which means that the barriers to entry are extremely low. There are no certifications or degrees that need to be obtained before you start working as a writer. You just have to find some work and do it.

Start Writing on:

•Vocal. media
•Your own blog
•Freelance sites (Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer)

6. Do Voice Overs
I know this may sound crazy, but I record voiceovers for corporate videos and IVRs. It’s great side hustle work. Once you get the hang of it, clients will be calling you regularly for more work.

If you have a good voice, do voice-overs on Fiverr or other similar sites.

What do you think about this…
If I have missed anything please let me know, it would be an honor for me!

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Avatar for Sofiagamer
2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin, Update, Ethereum, Write, Money, ...
