My Take On Suicide

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Avatar for Socrates
4 years ago


I have talked with several suicidal people who have said something like this: "If things don't work out I can always kill myself. I always have that option."

Suicide is not an option. And the type of mindset that accompanies this type of statement needs to be changed immediately.

 Why is it so easy for some people to believe that taking their own life is okay? That suicide is an option?

Because of a mental disorder. People with depression, or a similar disorder, cannot think straight because they have a chemical imbalance in their brain. And almost everyone who is suicidal has a mental disorder.

So it is critical that people get treatment so their thinking will change.

If you need help because you have a similar mindset, then get help now.

Do not delay.

Take a step back and analyze your thinking. What is really going on in your mind? What kind of self-talk do you engage in?

Do you say to yourself: "Suicide is always an option"? or "I can always kill myself if I need to"? or "If things don't get better, I'll kill myself"?

If your thinking is even close to that, then please get help. The sooner you get help, the better.

Be honest with yourself. If you need help, get it. And get it now.

And remember that suicide is never, under any circumstances, an option.

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This topic is timely when suicide is ravaging the world

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4 years ago

Get help, talk to someone

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4 years ago

a negative mindset is the propeller for suicide. You need to get rid of negativity

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4 years ago

Suicide ends your life and not the issue

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4 years ago

Your friends can influence your decision. Avoid people who ridicule you

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4 years ago

Some hormonal imbalance can affect one's emotions leading to depression

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4 years ago

Engage in mind occupying task

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4 years ago

Get inspiring music, I feel it can kill the thoughts of suicide

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4 years ago

If things don't get better, strive to make it better.

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4 years ago

Regular exercise and events can heal your depressed mind

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4 years ago

Your life is so precious than any situation pushing you to commit suicide. Think about it

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4 years ago

Derogatory words can slander a man's emotions and lead him to suicide

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4 years ago

If things don't go as planned, have an alternative option outside suicide. Thing can't always be the way you want it or planned

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4 years ago

Enjoy life, nothing is worth taking your life

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4 years ago

The way out is never suicide

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4 years ago

The stress of this life is horrible but you can't escape it via suicide

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4 years ago

Only weaklings and those who see themselves as failures commit suicide

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4 years ago

Engage yourself in a talk and you'll discover there's an alternative

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4 years ago

There's no justification to suicide

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4 years ago

I pray I don't contribute in depressing anyone

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4 years ago

If you value life, you can't contemplate suicide

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4 years ago

Observe people around you to know the signs of depression

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4 years ago

A predominant health condition can cause suicidal talk according to medical experts

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4 years ago

Suicidal thoughts may be hereditary

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4 years ago

Don't destroy the life you can't create

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4 years ago

Situations can be tormenting, why still torment your life by thinking of ending it

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4 years ago

I love your article

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4 years ago

We need to publish this on a national paper for people to read

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4 years ago

Open up to a close friend or relative if you sense depression creeping in

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4 years ago

Self control is one key characteristic to imbibe in our daily living

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4 years ago