Palestine & Israel in 35mm

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3 years ago
A man sits in the courtyard of the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem.

Hello, my name is Cotton. I am a photographer and film maker based in Scotland. This is my introductory post, I am new to

I want to share some shots I took in the middle east on 35mm, using my trusty Pentax K1000 from the 80's.

Street cat in the Palestinian quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. She was the mother of 3 kittens. Every morning I would buy a can of Tuna and open it for her, she would sit back and let her babies finish the whole can.
My wife, girlfriend at the time was attending dance classes deep in the Negev desert near the border of Gaza. So I took this opportunity to hike into the desert, get badly sunburnt haha, but find this epic view of a road snaking through a meteorite crater.
Without getting into politics, it is safe to say I have a fairly liberal view of Palestine and I support their cause. This is why this particular image is regretful, however honest. It is 3 Palestinian kids playing with realistic looking pellet guns. It's not a fair portrayal of Palestinian life, at the end of the day I did this as a kid also, however the context of the middle east these days unfortunately smears the true nature of this image which is children messing around, imitating what they see on tv.
A Palestinian man and his bird in the old market, Jerusalem.
And lastly, a contrasting image of Tel Aviv Beach. Only 1 hours drive from Jerusalem is the Med and it feels no different from being in Spain.

I hope you enjoyed these images, I have lots more. I would say follow me or something but I actually have fuck all idea how this platform even works, just dipping my toes in eh

Cotton x

$ 0.45
$ 0.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @AA-Admiral
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3 years ago


Woah, these are awesome looking photographs 👏😉

The shot of the winding road would make a good wallpaper. 🛣️

Also welcome to 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you AA-Admiral! It was a magical view. I will upload another batch soon 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago