U.S Elections: end of game/order ?

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Avatar for SnowUnderSun
4 years ago

Everyone seems to think there will be some major political trick played during the election. There are hundreds of these civil war or soft voting coup theories floating around (pretty typical U.S. Presidential Election hype). While I haven't agreed with any of the theories I've seen, I would say that it is not unwarranted to believe in some major event occurring. Either as some collective immune response to "libtardism", such as boomer disdain for 5G towers. Also because we already see major events this cycle. The Coronavirus, George Floyd Riots, Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (meaning another Supreme Court Justine appointee scandal like Kavanaugh, these were all taken advantage of as political games for the 2020 election. Even natural disasters such as wildfires are being framed as political violence, that's how deep this single minded idea of electoral politics runs through the hearts and minds of people who thirst for excitement. You can cry all you want about mail in ballots, (of which 40-50 million were cast in the 2016 election which elected Trump), but the biggest voter fraud is mass demographic replacement, that includes legal immigration too.

I don't know what will happen, I don't count my chickens before they hatch. So trust in the contextual perennialism here as common sense. The 2008, 2012, 2016 elections all had extreme doomsday predictions. The rapture, economic collapse, nuclear war with massive amounts of civil war hype centered around Ron Paul. As for protests or riots, in previous years around this time of year they simply didn't show up. They're all back in school, they're also going to be too cold. Notice how they already pulled the plug on the White House siege protests. Attempted cold season protests suffered microscopically low attendance in previous years, even the 2016 election results and inauguration protests were reasonably sized but did not last for prolonged periods with high intensity. 2020 may be similar, but the civil war for Elections hype is unlikely unless some major escalation occurs first. It is mainly a hope that I have, that something like that will happen. But I am skeptical of the reality of this.

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4 years ago
