cryptocurrency in agriculture markets.

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Avatar for SnowUnderSun
4 years ago

Volatility in crypto currencies are high as we all know.

Volatility also high in agricultural markets. Price can be vary on :

-Depends on season,

-Depends on harvested amount of specific vegetables, fruits, etc.

-Depends on export market demand.

-Depends on fiat FX rates changes.

-Depends on cost of fertilizer, water&electric bills

and more parameters can effect agriculture prices. 

Using crypto-based payment app can be hub for national agriculture markets.

Using MakerDao ( $MKR ) or any similar approach based app can provide stability on farmers' revenue and can stabilize consumers' cost on fruit,vegetables, grains, etc. That model provides fixing prices even in "buy now, pay later" market dynamics.

India started "eNam" project for fiat based payment app for farmers. Why not have more sophisticated app in crypto ?

I did not find any app which is focus to be hub of entire payment & price stability of each countries agricultural markets. 

I have sales background, no IT experience but I guess that coding a dApp is possible for it. Categorize in product basis and becoming a market place between farmers and wholebuyers ( maybe also direct to the consumers )

Just sharing an idea.


P.S : If already have an app for above price stability model, please mention it at comments..

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