Artist … Czech!

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

In a small Czech village of Louka, in the south of the historic Czech province of Moravia, one grandmother set itself the mission to beautify the homes of their neighbors. Agnes Kašpárková the 90-year-old former farm worker who has retired learned his new hobby – painting. Kašpárková used all his free time to paint traditional Moravian motifs in bright blue and ultramarine color of the walls of buildings in their village Louka. Popular painting her room rural chapel whose facade reflects the artist-grandmother again every year with beautiful floral motifs. Using your imagination, it does not plan its floral motifs in advance, but let his paintbrush and your imagination to decide on the final look of its beautiful floral designs. Previously, other women painted their houses white Moravian, passing this tradition on Kasparkovu. And although the winter stops due to cold climate, when spring arrives, continue beautification of the village. Its operation is similar to the painted houses of the village Zalipieja in Poland, their colorful flower garlands, and reminds us to never too old to showcase your creativity …

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)
