My Crypto journey (so far)

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3 years ago

The year is 2014. I'm between jobs and spending most of my time playing Anarchy Online on my Duo core Sony Vaio laptop. Bitcoin exists and I believe its around the time that a guy famously pays for a pizza with it, and Lily Allen turns down 200,000 BTC to perform a second life gig.

At the same time a new coin starts making noise. DOGECOIN. Everyone knows it's just a meme, but they're so easy to mine I can't help but set up a wallet and mining program. By the time I get bored (and my laptop has nearly melted) I've got about 60 DOGECOIN in my wallet. This is my first interaction with Crypto currency. It won't be my last.

Several years later and I'm deep in my new career. In the news people are talking about this new technology that has suddenly shot up in value. A "cryptocurrency" that is worth £12,000. Nobody knows how it works, but everyone wishes they took it more seriously. Me and my colleagues already know all about it. One of them mined BTC at its inception. He has 300 of them in a wallet. He doesn't know the password...

Another few years and it's 2020. And FINALLY I take the hint. My first investment isn't money, its time. I sign up to coinpot and click on faucets for weeks, and never meet the minimum cash-out requirement. Dead end.

I nearly bought $1200 worth of Litecoin mining equipment, thankfully I watched a YouTube video about the ventilation that they need and realised they run louder than a vacuum cleaner. My neighbours would have loved me.

One day while at work I find a coinbase referral link from someone and earn free alt coins through coinbase earn. $6 every time new lessons became available. Actual crypto that I own, and I'm hooked.

The topic of crypto currency comes up in conversation a few days later. "oh, that guy paid for his house deposit with bitcoin" sure enough someone I worked with had bought £200 of BTC and sold it for £20,000.

That was the push that I needed. I finally take the plunge and invest a few hundred pounds in Litecoin despite my girlfriend at the time telling me I'm throwing my money away.

I made £100 and felt like the Wolf of Wall Street.

Since then I've messed around with smaller amounts, made some and lost some. But overall made some pocket change despite coinbases awful transaction fees.

My most recent success is with Making $1 each day, paid directly into wallets for essentially shit posting. Something I've been doing for years for free!

I'm hoping to be like my unfortunate colleague with the 300 unaccessible BTC, a fortune stashed away and forgotten about. But hopefully I'll remember the password.

So now you join me on my latest endeavour. If this pays half as well as I'll be a happy boy.

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3 years ago



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