A Personal Tribute To My Chief.

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3 years ago

Watching Live TV Courage of your last presence, as you lay in your casket in the Haus Tamburan our National Parliament. With tears running down my cheeks, my heart broken into many pieces and empty. I write this tribute to you, Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare

I thank God for giving us the Moses in you. For He saw the greatness in you that He called you from the many, bestowed His knowledge and Wisdom upon you to lead this country to the land of milk and honey. You mustered all this with God's guide and you achieved this without bloodshed. That chapter is complete and now you have been called to rest by the Almighty. You're truly a humbled leader and God's appointed one. Thank you for all that you have done for the country you loved and us your people.

Farewell Grand Chief, You can now rest in Peace. Thank you for your life and your part taking in God's creative works on earth, in Papua New Guinea. You have left your mark and only God will reward you well. We thank God for the gift of your life.

Your Lagacy Will Remain Sir Grand Chief Michael Thomas Somare Core Founder Of Our Entire Nation..We Will Surely Missed You Forever..With Due Mutual Respect I Salute & Honor Your Great,Great,Great Efforts Towards Where We Are Today..

"Rest In Peace, Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔"

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