Mothers protect their children from cancer and AIDS

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3 years ago

Human well-being involves physical as well as invisible or internal health. A person who has a cough, cold or fever can usually become temporarily ill due to climate change or climate change. A person who suffers from malaria or tuberculosis is more likely to suffer from larger and more chronic illnesses. However, sometimes a person can also suffer from diseases such as diabetes and thyroid. These diseases are not fatal with proper care. But if not treated in time, these diseases can kill people. Some diseases are fatal globally. These include cancer and AIDS.

Experts say that for good health, it is important for a person to eat, drink, sleep, exercise on time and take care of the principles of hygiene. However, in modern times, people do not pay attention to sleep at night and can not sleep during the day due to work. Due to the workload, people have been found to have a lot of eating disorders. Meal times are not fixed and there are sometimes short distances and sometimes more breaks than necessary. In the same way, due to modern comfort, people do less physical work. It does not cause any work anyway. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. But due to lack of time and work and engagements, it is not implemented. It is common to eat junk food. People eat a lot of street veal, noodles, popcorn, etc., which is not useful in any way. In addition, prepared foods contain many additives that are harmful to health. Cleaning neighborhoods and homes can also keep people healthy. Many other diseases come on their own.

There is no denying the fact that cleanliness is essential for a healthy life. Providing a healthy environment to the children is the main responsibility of the mother. It is the first priority. According to the doctors, most of the mothers are unaware of the future of the children. Instead of focusing on the health of the children, they pay special attention to fashion. About 800,000 pampers are used daily for children and the elderly. Pampers are a diaper-shaped bead made with chemicals and plastics. Today's women wear these beads all day long. They put on pampers so that they do not have to change the baby's wet pajamas again and again, while they sleep at night wearing pampers so that the bed is not wet and they do not have to change the pajamas and the baby's pampers are changed in the morning. For women, this is a convenience, but the pain that the baby suffers from later manifests itself in the form of diseases. And its waste products go back inside and damage the internal organs. Wetness of pampers causes colds, fever in children. , Cough, nasal congestion and pneumonia are among the most common diseases. Parents are unaware of this situation. On the other hand, go back some time. Mothers used to tie diapers for their children from birth to one or two months, which were made at home with soft cloths. A soft mattress was laid down to put the children to sleep. As soon as the baby urinated, the mother would immediately find out and change the baby's diaper and ass. At that time, the baby was neither very sick nor his health deteriorated, while the baby urinates and defecates continuously for several hours in the pamper. Then the pamper is changed somewhere. Most of the mothers complain that the baby drinks milk properly but cries while sleeping, becomes stubborn and becomes weaker day by day. The main reason for this is the wet pamper which keeps the baby restless. The baby's sexual organs that want to grow but the pampers prevent these organs from growing and the baby becomes a victim of sexually transmitted diseases.

As we age, our sleep patterns change. Newborns sleep 16 to 18 hours a day. A one to three year old sleeps 14 hours and a three or four year old sleeps 11 or 12 hours. Children who go to school need at least 10 hours of sleep, adolescents about 9 or 10 hours and adults 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Start a campaign and save mothers from the new generation of cancer and AIDS instead of fashion.

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3 years ago
