The Real Need of Man

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2 years ago
The Real Need of Man

Eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, having sex, needs that define us as human beings, well; Although we wanted to, we could not leave them aside, some will accompany us for most of our lives and others will abandon us in old age.
Other human beings are more complicated, because while some in the neighborhoods only think of getting what is necessary to survive, others seduced by the vanity of life dream of filling their lives with luxuries,
turning them into the most necessary to fill their empty hearts, 
how ironic that These two contrasts converge in the same place with such closeness that it seems unbelievable that, what some consider necessary; 
others see it as impossible.But there is another need that resides within the human being, that science cannot explain; this is the intriguing need that man has to worship something or someone, in other words to have a god and for science this is a great mystery,
the fact that according to his theories of previous inhabitants such as cavemen, 
they worshiped nature and many animals; This is reflected in many cave paintings in the caves where it is theorized that they lived, but it is not so simple, since the answer to this need of man to worship a god, which has become an unsolved mystery for them,
is finds in the true origin of humanity the Bible.
The book of Genesis records the creation of the earth and its first inhabitants created by God; Adam and Eve, who lived in the Garden of Eden until they disobeyed the only rule that God gave them; that they did not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
but they were tempted by the serpent and they sinned,
this sin entered them and they could no longer be in the garden and here there was a separation of humanity from its creator; main factor for which from this moment that NEED began to develop within man to be close to God again but he could no longer.

 After this this need grew in those who had been expelled from the garden 
and began to make sacrifices to God to try to get closer to Him, 
this need will be in men from that moment to these times, times in which man 
does not want to accept that needs of God, that even if they satisfy all the needs 
that their heart supposedly demands of them such as jewels, money, luxuries among
 other things, this will not satisfy that great need with which we were marked 
from the beginning, to approach God and have a relationship with Him. The big 
question would be what man has to do to satisfy that need, well the Bible 
records in John 3:16 That God loves the world in such a way; 
who gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, 
but have eternal life, Jesus the son of God came to us to be the way to satisfy 
that need, to reconcile us with God and break what separated us of God so that we 
live together with Him in eternity, only by accepting Jesus as his Savior can man 
satisfy his TRUE NEED which is to be close to God.

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2 years ago
