How Are You Standing?

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3 years ago

Our text for the topic is Hab. 2: 4 and it says..

“Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith” (NKJV)

This is the verse that started the reformation. It is quoted in Romans, Galatians and Hebrews. We are not saved by works; we are saved by grace for works. In other words, the faith that does not change your life will not save your soul. According to Eph. 2: 10, when we are saved, we become God’s workmanship through God which good works begin to manifest.

The implication of this is that without salvation, no one really is capable of doing good works. What the world describes as good works today when examined in line with God’s standard falls far short of what heaven describes good works to be. One of the reason for this is that the best of good works in this world will still show coloration of selfishness, ethnic sentiments, favoritism and what have you. Only by standing on the solid foundation laid by the Lord Jesus Christ will we be able to carry out good works accepted by heavenly standard.

The Apostle Paul in Heb. 2: 8-10 is speaking of everyone who believes. Once you are forgiven, you begin to do things that honor God and reveal His righteousness to those around us. In other words, our salvation from and the new birth experience that follows makes us carriers of God’s righteousness and God’s expectation and desire is that we will showcase that righteousness to the world – through our conversation and our daily living lifestyle.

Faith should be living and active. If you believe in what Jesus said, it should affect your life. You should begin loving God and loving people and you should want to go to church and fellowship with other believers. These things are an overflowing of your faith. It starts with faith and overflows to good works. If you do not see good works as a result of your faith, you should be concerned because as we said earlier genuine faith will lead to good works.

If we stand on our own righteousness then we stand ashamed. If we accept Jesus as our Savior and we stand in His righteousness, then we stand not ashamed. How do you stand? Shalom

Below are some

A. Father thank you for your saving grace that you poured out upon my life through which I am saved

B. Father I am your workmanship, I am a vessel in your hands please use me for your glory and may I never disappoint you in Jesus name

C. Father on my own I am incapable of doing good works, please empower me to excel in doing good works in Jesus name

D. Father as someone who has experienced your saving grace in my life, please help me to showcase your righteousness wherever I find myself in Jesus name

D. Father by your grace, my faith in you will be living and active, I will love and stay in fellowship with other believers in Jesus name.

Please kindly pray for the needy and the sick.

Thanks. #skipoeze

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3 years ago
