A listener can be a fluent speaker

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4 years ago
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Listen to the English News on TV.

Watch & listen to English conversation of interesting cartoons. You can download thousands of cartoons in English conversation

1. 'Meena' from internet.

2.Listen to the sports commentaries of cricket, football etc.

3.Listen to the English documentaries on TV Channels of National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery etc.

4. Listen to your teachers' discussion :Be attentive while your teachers' discussion proceeding on

5.Listen to the pronunciation of new words of your English text.

6.Follow your teachers body language for discussion

7. Give a feedback of your listening:

For an effective feedback Listen to your own voice alone.

Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes.

$ 0.23
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Sizan200
4 years ago


thanks for the great information to share to with us. I also learn a proper english for a better life.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly if we want to be a good speaker then of course we have to keep on trying. We need to watch different types of English speaking programs and practice them with understanding so that we can speak good English

$ 0.00
4 years ago