Nature of Beetle

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Some people enjoy collecting beetles in order to observe with their behavior and learn about nature. The first step in beetle research is making a trap to catch the beetles.

A good way to collect ground beetles is to make a beat fall trap. You can set a trap in the woods or even in a garden. All you need is a jar or a plastic cup, four stones, and a small piece of wood. Bury the cap level with the surface and cover it with the wood and stones. Compare beatles but at different times of the day. Put some food in the cup and see what attracts certain species. Always remove the traps when you have finished.


Beetles are easy to handle. Use a small paintbrush and a paper cup with a smaller ones because you can damage them if you pick them in your hand. Larger ones can be picked up but always be gentle. Do not worry if they give off a smelly fluid. This is their protection against predators.


An old aquarium with net cover is the best container to keep beetles in. Ground beetles need a layer of earth and a bottom as well as pieces of wood and stones under which to hide. The lid must have plenty of holes, and the earth must be damb or the beetles will dry up. Make sure you put in a good supply of food. If you are keeping more than one beetle, make sure they are the same type, so they not eat each other. A shady windowsill is the ideal place to put your beetle home.


If the beetles are to stay healthy you must provide the right food for them. Sometimes it is difficult to know what they eat, so much them carefully before you collect them.

Releasing your Beetles:

When you have finished studying the beetles, always return them to the same habitat.

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