First-Aid ABCs

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Decal emergencies are accident can happen at any time and to anyone. If you are going to help when they strike, you need first aid training.

You can get first aid training from the american red-cross or possibly your local hospital, school or scout group.

What would you do if you had to help in an emergency before you took first-aid training? Let's look at real life emergency and find out.

On your way to your favorite store in mall, you pass the food court. You see women eating lunch. Suddenly one of them stop talking and stands up, knocking over her chair. She is clutching her throat and trying to caught. You suspect she has a peace of food caught in her windpipe and she can't breathe. What do you do? As the woman if he is choking. People who have something cough and their windpipe usually cannot talk. If they cannot speak, they cannot breath. Have someone call the emergency medical service in your area. Most of this service can be reached by dialing 911.

The next step is to perform the Heimlich maneuver, sometimes called the Heimlich hug.

  1. Wrapyour arms around the victims waist and make a first.

  1. Place the thumb inside your fist on the middle of the victim's abdomen, just above the navel navel and well below the breastbone, and grasp your fist with your other hand.

  2. Press your fist into the abdomen with a quick upward thrust.

Many times this action will pop the food or object out of the victim's mouth. You may have to do the thrusts a few times to get results, but keep trying.

The reason it works it because the air that is trapped and the lungs is put under pressure. Much like a cork in a bottle. This procedure should be shown and taught by an expert and then practice.

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Very helpful Not everyone are aware in what to do to some emergencies.

Just a first aid is very helpful in cases of emergencies. I'll recommend this article of yours.

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4 years ago