Start to track the food index for today
JETMOS Status :
F4_AU: 1,1,0,200
F4_NAU: 0,0,0,475
F3_IC: 1,0,0, 800
Gsmrc4 Au tgt chg.. Etch shield.wh.regen.rtp 12/12,1430
Gsmrc2 sput 3 DC power maestria.rtp 11pm
Jsmrc2 sput 3 power fault.rtp 1a
Power MRC Status:
T5_BZ: 0,1,0, 160
* T3_ALSI: 0,0,0, 321*
T5_ALSI_1S2: 0,0,0, 221
T3_SMODE: 0,0,0, 50
T5_SMODE: 0,0,0, 225
*T5_TIW_MEMS: 1,0,0 325*
T3_MRC_TIW : 0,0,0 150
1sec03 : Etch gate vlv close , cryo temp. high happen again. Change Etch cryo pump. RTP 11am
1sbz02 : Max run pm, RTP 6am
2etg01 : just down end shift, pls follow up