Code Below
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Sisiwit
study("MACD-X, More Than MACD by Sisiwit", shorttitle="MACD-X by Sisiwit")
macdType = input("MACD-SOURCE", "MACD Calculation Method",
sourceType = input("Current Price (close)", "Source",
options=["Current Price (close)",
"Average of High, Low, and Close Price (hlc3)",
"On Balance Volume (obv)",
"Accumulation Distribution (accdist)",
"Price Volume Trend (pvt)"])
fast_length = input(12, "Fast Length", type=input.integer)
slow_length = input(26, "Slow Length", type=input.integer)
signal_length = input(9 , "Signal Smoothing", type=input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 50)
dummy_1 = input(false, "═══════ ═════ ═══ Options ═══ ═════ ═══════")
exponential = input(true , "Use Exponential Moving Average")
macdTrdDisp = input(false, "Add Traditional MACD (MACD-X will be auto Highlighted)")
var highlight = input(false, "Highlight MACD-X/Signal-X Area")
dispLabel = input(false, "Display Label")
histLabel = input(0, " Historical Label Readings", minval=0)
dummy_2 = input(false, "═══════ ═════ ═══ Add-Ons ═══ ═════ ═══════")
dispSqueeze = input(false, "► Display Squeeze Indicator Add-On ═════")
bbkcLength = input(20, " SQZ : Bollinger Bands/Keltner's Channel Length", minval = 1)
bbMult = input(2, " SQZ : Bollinger Bands MultFactor" , type=input.float, step=0.25)
kcMult = input(1.25, " SQZ : Keltner's Channel MultFactor", type=input.float, step=0.25)
colorRsi = input(false, "► Change MACD Color when RSI Over[Bouht/Sold] Add-On ═════")
rsiLength = input(14, " RSI : Length")
rsiOverBought = input(70, " RSI : Overbought Threshold", minval = 51, maxval = 99)
rsiOverSold = input(30, " RSI : Oversold Threshold" , minval = 1 , maxval = 49)
hstThesh = input(false, "► Display Histogram Threshold Bands Add-On ═════")
stDevL = input(1.75, " Threshold Bands: Lower Deviation" , type=input.float, minval = 0, step = .25, maxval = 5)
stDevH = input(2.25, " Threshold Bands: Higher Deviation", type=input.float, minval = 0, step = .25, maxval = 5)
vbcb = input(true, "► Volume Based Colored Bars Add-On ═════")
vwcbLen = input(21, " VWCB : Volume MA Length", minval=1)
vwcbUpper = input(1.618, " VWCB : Upper Theshold", minval = 0.1, step = .1)
vwcbLower = input(.618, " VWCB : Lower Theshold", minval = 0.1, step = .1)
isBackTest = input(true, "═══════ ═ Backtest On/Off ═ ═══════")
// Functions ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
ma(s,l) => exponential ? ema(s,l) : sma(s,l)
// -Calculation ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// Source Selection
source = sourceType == "Current Price (close)" ? close :
sourceType == "Average of High, Low, and Close Price (hlc3)" ? hlc3 :
nz(volume) and sourceType == "On Balance Volume (obv)" ? obv :
nz(volume) and sourceType == "Accumulation Distribution (accdist)" ? accdist :
nz(volume) and sourceType == "Price Volume Trend (pvt)" ? pvt : na
// MACD Calculations (macd, signal, histogram)
fast_ma = ma(source, fast_length)
slow_ma = ma(source, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
macdx = if macdType == "MACD-TRADITIONAL"
else if macdType == "MACD-HISTOGRAM"
macd - ma(macd, signal_length)
else if macdType == "MACD-LEADER"
macd + ma(source - fast_ma, fast_length) - ma(source - slow_ma, slow_length)
else if macdType == "MACD-SOURCE"
ma(source - avg(fast_ma, slow_ma), signal_length)
else if macdType == "MACD-TRIX"
10000 * change(ema(ema(ema(log(source), signal_length * 2), signal_length * 2), signal_length * 2))
signal = ma(macd , signal_length)
signalx = ma(macdx, signal_length)
histx = macdx - signalx
// Highlight
highlight := macdTrdDisp ? true : highlight
// RSI Calculation
rsiValue = colorRsi ? rsi(source, rsiLength) : na
// TTM Squeeze Indicator Calculation
var bool inSqz = na, var bool noSqz = na, var bool unSqz = na
if dispSqueeze
[_, bbUpper, bbLower] = bb(close, bbkcLength, bbMult)
[_, kcUpper, kcLower] = kc(close, bbkcLength, kcMult, true)
inSqz := (bbLower > kcLower) and (bbUpper < kcUpper)
noSqz := (bbLower < kcLower) and (bbUpper > kcUpper)
unSqz := (inSqz == false) and (noSqz == false)
// Theshold Bands Calculation with BB build-in function
[_, upperL, lowerL] = if hstThesh
bb(histx, 233, stDevL)
[_, upperH, lowerH] = if hstThesh
bb(histx, 233, stDevH)
// Volume Based Colored Bars by KIVANÇ ÖZBİLGİÇ
mean = sma(volume, vwcbLen)
[vbcbColor, vbcbTxt] = if close < open
if volume > mean * vwcbUpper
[#910000, "High Volume"]
else if volume >= mean * vwcbLower and volume <= mean * vwcbUpper
[color.red, "Average Volume"]
[color.orange, "Low Volume"]
if volume > mean * vwcbUpper
[#006400, "High Volume"]
else if volume >= mean * vwcbLower and volume <= mean * vwcbUpper
[color.green, "Average Volume"]
[#7FFFD4, "Low Volume"]
// -Color ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
histColor = histx >=0 ?
(histx[1] < histx ? #006400 : color.green) :
(histx[1] < histx ? color.red : #910000)
// -Label ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// Label Text
status = histLabel > 0 ? "\n\nHistorical Bar Readings - " + tostring(histLabel) + " bar(s) earlier" : "\n\nCurrent Bar Readings"
msCross = bar_index - valuewhen(cross(macdx, signalx), bar_index, 0)
macdMom = change(histx) <= 0 ? "Falling - Last Signal Cross " : "Growing - Last Signal Cross "
macdText = "Method : " + macdType + ", Source : " + sourceType + status + "\nMACD : " + macdMom + tostring(msCross) + " bar(s)"
rsiText = colorRsi ? rsiValue > rsiOverBought ? "\nRSI : Value " + tostring(round(rsiValue)) + " - in OverBought Zone" : rsiValue < rsiOverSold ? "\nRSI : Value " + tostring(round(rsiValue)) + " - in OverSold Zone" : "\nRSI : Value " + tostring(round(rsiValue)) : na
sqzText = dispSqueeze ? inSqz or unSqz ? "\nSQZ : No Trade Recommended" : histx >= 0 ? "\nSQZ : Buy Probability (macd > signal)" : "\nSQZ : Sell Probability (macd < signal)" : na
vbcbText = nz(volume) and vbcb ? "\nVolume : " + vbcbTxt + " (" + tostring(round(volume)) + ")" : na
// -Plot ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// MACD - Signal - Histogram
plot(histx, "Histogram-X", color=histColor, style=plot.style_columns )
p1 = plot(macdx , "MACD-X" , color=rsiValue > rsiOverBought ? #910000 : rsiValue < rsiOverSold ? #006400 : #0094ff)
p2 = plot(signalx, "Signal-X", color=#ff6a00)
plot(macdTrdDisp ? macd : na, "MACD" , color=#0094ff)
plot(macdTrdDisp ? signal : na, "Signal", color=#ff6a00)
fill(p1, p2, color = highlight ? macdx > signalx ? rsiValue > rsiOverBought ? #910000 : rsiValue < rsiOverSold ? #006400 : #0094ff : rsiValue > rsiOverBought ? #910000 : rsiValue < rsiOverSold ? #006400 : #ff6a00 : na, transp = 55)
// TTM Squeeze Indicator with MACD-X as Momentum Oscillator
plotshape(dispSqueeze ? unSqz or inSqz ? true : na : na, style=shape.diamond , location=location.top, color=color.gray , title="In Squeeze")
plotshape(dispSqueeze ? noSqz and histx >= 0 ? true : na : na, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.top, color=color.green, title="Squeeze Release")
plotshape(dispSqueeze ? noSqz and histx < 0 ? true : na : na, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.top, color=color.red , title="Squeeze Release")
// Label
if dispLabel and not isBackTest
label macdLabel = label.new(time, 0, text=macdText[histLabel] + rsiText[histLabel] + sqzText[histLabel] + vbcbText[histLabel]
,tooltip="evaluation given herein does not constitute professional and/or financial advice"
,color=#0094ff, xloc=xloc.bar_time, style=label.style_label_left, textcolor=color.white, textalign=text.align_left)
label.set_x(macdLabel, label.get_x(macdLabel) + round(change(time) * 3))
// Theshold Bands
bu2 = plot(upperL, "Lower Theshold Line - Overbought", display=display.none)
bu3 = plot(upperH, "Upper Theshold Line - Overbought", display=display.none)
fill(bu2, bu3, color=color.red, transp=85, title="Overbought Background")
bl2 = plot(lowerL, "Upper Theshold Line - Oversold" , display=display.none)
bl3 = plot(lowerH, "Lower Theshold Line - Oversold" , display=display.none)
fill(bl2, bl3, color=color.green, transp=85, title="Oversold Background")
// Volume Based Colored Bars by KIVANÇ ÖZBİLGİÇ
barcolor(nz(volume) and vbcb ? vbcbColor : na, title = "Volume Based Colored Bars by [KıvançÖZBİLGİÇ]")
// Alert : macdx and signalx crosses
alarm = cross(macdx, signalx)
alertcondition(barstate.islast ? alarm[1] : alarm, title="Trading Opportunity", message="Probable Trade Opportunity\n{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}->\nPrice = {{close}},\nTime = {{time}}")
// -Backtest ==================================================================================== //
dasCapital = input(1000., "initial capital")
stopLoss = input(1., "Stop Loss %", step=.1) / 100
lenBckTst = input(1, "Backtest Period (Year)", step = .25)
srcInOut = input(close, "Source : Entry/Exit Price Assumption")
lblInOutSL = input(true, "Show Entry/Take Profit(Exit)/Stop Loss Labels")
startBckTst = time > timenow - lenBckTst * 31556952000
var inTrade = false
var entryPrice = 0.
var exitPrice = 0.
if isBackTest
var capital = dasCapital
var trades = 0
var win = 0
var loss = 0
crossover = crossover (macdx, signalx)
crossunder = crossunder(macdx, signalx)
longCondition = barstate.islast ? crossover [1] : crossover
shortCondition = barstate.islast ? crossunder[1] : crossunder
stopLossCondition = inTrade ? close < entryPrice * (1 - stopLoss) : 0
if startBckTst and longCondition and not inTrade
entryPrice := srcInOut
inTrade := true
trades := trades + 1
if lblInOutSL
label longLabel = label.new(bar_index, signalx, text="L"
,tooltip="entry price : " + tostring(entryPrice) + "\nentry value : " + tostring(capital, "#.##")
,color=color.green, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=color.white, textalign=text.align_center, size=size.tiny)
if (shortCondition or stopLossCondition) and inTrade
exitPrice := srcInOut
inTrade := false
capital := capital * (exitPrice / entryPrice)
if exitPrice > entryPrice
win := win + 1
loss := loss + 1
if lblInOutSL
txt = stopLossCondition ? "SL" : "TP"
label shortLabel = label.new(bar_index, signalx, text=txt
,tooltip="change .......... : " + tostring((exitPrice / entryPrice - 1) * 100, "#.##") + "%\nentry/exit price : " + tostring(entryPrice) + " / " + tostring(exitPrice) + "\nnew capital ..... : " + tostring(capital, "#.##")
,color=color.red, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=color.white, textalign=text.align_center, size=size.tiny)
var years = (timenow - time) / 31556952000
var yearsTxt = ""
var remarks = ""
if years < lenBckTst
lenBckTst := years
yearsTxt := tostring(lenBckTst, "#.##") + " Years***"
remarks := "\n\n* trade statistics for longs entries only\n final value, if trade active displays estimated final value\n* max available data for selected timeframe : # of bars - " + tostring(bar_index)
yearsTxt := tostring(lenBckTst, "#.##") + " Year(s)"
remarks := "\n\n* trade statistics for longs entries only\n** final value, if trade open displies estimated final value"
inTradeTxt = inTrade ? "inTrade" : "not inTrade"
estimated = inTrade ? capital * (close / entryPrice) : capital
entryTxt = inTrade ? tostring(entryPrice) : "not inTrade"
lastTrdTxt = inTrade ? ", Gain/Loss " + tostring((estimated/capital - 1) * 100, "#.##") + "%, Stop Loss " + tostring(entryPrice * (1 - stopLoss)) : ""
tooltipTxt = macdText[histLabel] + rsiText[histLabel] + sqzText[histLabel] + vbcbText[histLabel] +
"\nps: evaluation given herein does not constitute professional and/or financial advice" +
"\n\nBacktest :\nentires/exit caclulations\n" +
"-long entry , when macdx crosses above signal line\n" +
"-take profit, when macdx crosses below signal line\n" +
"-stop loss if last value falls by " + tostring(stopLoss * 100) + "% of entry price" + remarks
label indiLabel = label.new(time, 0
,text="☼☾ Trade Statistics*, Trade Period - " + yearsTxt +
"\nMethod/Source : " + macdType + " / " + sourceType +
"\n═════════════════════════════════════" +
"\nSuccess Ratio ...... : " + tostring((win/trades)*100, "#") + "%" + ", # of Trades - " + tostring(trades) + ", Win/Loss - " + tostring(win) + "/" + tostring(loss) +
"\nGain/Loss % ........ : " + tostring((estimated/dasCapital - 1) * 100, "#") + "%" + ", Initial/Final Value** - " + tostring(dasCapital) + " / " + tostring(estimated, "#") +
"\n\nCurrent TradeStatus - " + inTradeTxt + lastTrdTxt +
"\n═════════════════════════════════════" +
"\nEntry Price/Value . : " + entryTxt + " / " + tostring(capital, "#.##") + " " + inTradeTxt +
"\nLast Price/Value ... : " + tostring(close) + " / " + tostring(estimated , "#.##") + " " + inTradeTxt
,color=inTrade ? estimated/dasCapital > 1 ? color.teal : color.maroon : color.gray, xloc=xloc.bar_time, style=label.style_label_left, textcolor=color.white, textalign=text.align_left)
label.set_x(indiLabel, label.get_x(indiLabel) + round(change(time) * 3))
bgcolor(startBckTst and startBckTst != startBckTst[1] ? color.blue : na, title="Backtest Starting Bar")