Wipe Your Slate Clean

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Avatar for Sirkb
Written by
3 years ago

Good morning dear friend.

It's a new week and I'm here again...

I hope you've set your goals and your are following the strategy I shared to help you achieve them..

I'm here again with another value message.

Are you confused about everything happening to you?

Wipe your slate clean.. Start all over again..

You can start today, from scratch, from zero, zilch

And build a multi-million naira business online.

No, don’t argue.

If you haven’t done it, you have no rights to argue.


Just look around you,

People are online everyday spending money.

Only thing is, the money is going into someone else’s pocket.

That should be you my friend,

Yes. It should.

But I must give a fair warning.

Okay, I’ll leave you the warning at the end of this message, but before that, I should share 4 things you should start doing from today to start afresh to build your multi-million business:

1. Die.

And I mean it.

Much of the steps you have not taken yet is because you think you will fail.

And you fear what others will say.

Public opinion.

Die to public opinion.

Care nada about what people will think about you and watch yourself come alive.

You are still worried about what they will say. How they will criticize you.

You have a choice to make: their opinion or your success.


Dead men don’t fear opinions. They fear no failure.

Die to public opinion and live your life to full expression.

2. Move

If you are not getting the results you want, some things are holding you back.





Learn from Jesus.

Whenever he needed to have time for himself, to pray, plan or prepare, he’d move

Away from his mum, dad and even disciples.

He’d only show up after he had fortified himself.


Stop patronizing bad habits. Stop accommodating losers.


3. Master Persuasion.

You can never go wrong.

Even if the world is crumbling, people who are masters of persuasion will always call the shots.


I know...

Everyone talks about marketing and sales.

They did not tell you is that behind them is the power of persuasion.

Go master persuasion and come back in 6 months. Our conversation will be different.

4. Create & Sell

Trying to make money without selling anything is like trying to quench your thirst without drinking (water).

You can’t faith your way to it.

You can’t pray your way to it.

Even the Bible condemns people who want to get results by faith without putting in the work.

Faith without work is a corpse.

Rotten and smelling.

I know you are a person of faith my friend…

Don’t let it stink.

Shut Up, Create and sell.

Sell anything. Your skill, your time, your knowledge…

Physical, digital…


Start today. Start now.

Promise yourself you will do it.

And do it.

My fair warning: You will succeed and shame your enemies if you do this.

Ball in your court already.


I’m rooting for you.

Happy New Week

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Vicky123
Avatar for Sirkb
Written by
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading through.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's a truth, that all of us have to start doing something today, otherwise tomorrow may be late. Goals should be setup, to focus on how to accomplish this dream.

Everyone of us should confront the challenges of life until there is personal success. We don't have to accept what the other people say.

This idea is inspiring.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like this especially this part"Dead men don’t fear opinions. They fear no failure". This cannot be neglected. Good job keep it up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago