Scientific Explanation of How Heroin Drops a Person into a Powerful Addiction

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3 years ago
Topics: Heroin, Drugs, Dependence

What is heroin, how does it make the user addicted? An informative article about heroin, one of the most dangerous drugs due to its very strong addictive effect.

heroin is a type of opioid. Opioids are derived from the seeds of the opium poppy. It was first encountered in ancient Egyptian inscriptions 3000 years ago. It was first synthesized for medicinal use as morphine in the 19th century. Opioids are used as pain relievers and pleasures. Drugs such as heroin, oxycodone, codeine, fentanyl are called opiate drugs.

These drugs bind more strongly to the opioid receptors in the brain, to which endorphin normally binds, for a longer period of time than endorphin. that's why it has much stronger pain-relieving properties than endorphins. this is why they are prescribed during the recovery phase after major injuries and illnesses.

Opioids, which bind to opioid receptors, cause dopamine to be released, creating a feeling of pleasure and enthusiasm. In addition, they prevent the secretion of noradrenaline, which affects body functions such as breathing, alertness, digestion, blood pressure. therefore, constipation develops in those who start using opioids. In high doses, blood pressure and breathing can drop excessively, causing death. Over time, the body begins to adapt to opioid use, the receptors develop tolerance to the opioid by reducing the number of receptors or responding less. To achieve the same effect, the user needs to increase the dose. this causes bodily functions to slow down considerably due to low noradrenaline. as this happens, the body becomes responsive to even very small doses of noradrenaline by increasing its noradrenaline receptors. thus bodily functions become functional despite the noradrenaline blocked by opioids. even opioids have become mandatory for the new order to work. This is what creates physical addiction.

When the user cannot find opioids, an excessive noradrenaline effect occurs because the noradrenaline restriction is removed and a lot of extra receptors are created. this manifests itself with vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, muscle aches. This state of withdrawal is called dope sick. said to have a severe flu-like effect. In this case, people need care. they may not be able to go to work, so there are those who lose their jobs. In order not to be in this situation again, they can sell everything they have, steal and lie. because when they are deprived, they will be exposed to all dangers. especially if they are on the street. another addict may steal everything from the person and leave it frozen, and the dope sick person may not even be able to seek help. Since the tolerance of the receptors has passed during the long abstinence period, the person may die from the high dose when using the old dose.

In order to reverse the high dose, a drug called naloxene is used, which does not have a psychoactive effect, unlike opioids, which prevent the binding of opioids to the receptors by binding instead.

In the 80s and 90s in America, opioid crisis occurred as a result of opioid-containing drug prescriptions, which were widely distributed with the gas of pharmaceutical companies.

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Avatar for Sinless
3 years ago
Topics: Heroin, Drugs, Dependence


Thanks for the article,it enlighten me on addiction. Drugs use are reasonable and used for high pain relief and the practitioner administered it in a small right proportion . It's the abuse of the drugs in a high dose causes a dope sickness and in turn terribly devastate the receptor thereby rendering the person useless. Desist from going into addiction to achieve a balance and worthy future.

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3 years ago