The Phantom (Part 3)

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Avatar for Simple_Girl
3 years ago

In my room at the university, I lay on my bed and sleep peacefully. I hadn't had any real sleep in over two days. Unfortunately, my dreams are full of the last forty eight hours. I kept seeing Misty's face. I kept trying to reach for her, but always came up short. When I open my eyes, its near midnight.

My biological time clock is off. How annoying. I look in the fridge for something to drink. Out. Great, I think. I decide to make a short trip down to the corner market. Everything on campus was closed. I walk through the grounds. Its kind of creepy out this late. There were no street lights. I make my way down the sidewalk by the road. I'm by the grounds but not on them at this point. My purse is over my shoulder. I can hear my heels over the pavement. Wait. I can hear something else to. Another set of footsteps? I stop. Listen. Look back. I see nothing. Then I keep going. The corner market is a big grocery store open all night long but usually empty aside from the cashier and a few stockers. They stay out of sight and usually a self check-out aisle is open. So its like I'm alone. The drinks are on the last aisle all the way on the other side of the store. I can hear my heels on the concrete floor. Nobody else is here.

I find the drink aisle. Something comes flying at my head having been thrown over the aisle from the other side. It narrowly missed me. I scream as the heavy can of beans hits the floor. What the ........ I charge over to other aisle beside mine and look. No one there! What? I look around. I see nothing. ..... Silence. Could it be Misty's brother? Did he torture her like this? I rush and grab my drinks and check out. All I kept thinking was how I had a long walk back to my dorm with no streetlights anywhere. God help me.

I'm jogging in heels down the road with my drinks. I have been spooked after that episode at the grocery store. I vaguely look back and around as I make my way across the campus. I stop short at my building. There. Standing in front of the entrance. Misty's brother. I just look at him. He still has that phantom mask and some dark attire on. I'm not as spooked here because there are lights over my building. He is looking right at me. He must've been following me.

"Where's Misty?" I yell. "You don't scare me like you do her."

I don't know if I hit a nerve or what, but all of a sudden, he charges after me. My heart jumped to my throat. Dropping my drinks, I take off back down the campus. No, I think, not where there are no lights. I stop and throw my heels off and am ready to hit the grass until I look back. Misty's brother is gone. I look all around. Holding my shoes, I slowly walk back to the building. He's gone. I pick up my drinks. I notice one is missing. Two have spewed all over the ground. The last two are fine. I pick up the last two and leave everything else there. I am too spooked to stay outside and clean the mess. I unlock the entrance door clumsily and head inside. I lock the door. Then Bam! I scream. There, on the other side of the glass door I just lock, stands Misty's brother. Only a pane of glass separates him and me. We stare at each other. He had never left. Had been watching me the entire time.

"Where's Misty?" I yell.

He shakes his mask covered face. Then holds up a finger and wiggles it from side to side. (As if to a naughty child)

"Grow up! ....... This isn't a game." I yell. "Misty was my friend." Tears are burning my eyes. I half wanted to reopen the door and let him have it. I take out my cell phone instead and record him. He makes no effort to dash away. Afterwards, I call 911. Instantly, the masked figure vanishes. I watch him disappear. Psycho, I think. I decide to wait by the entrance door until the police arrive.

Somehow, my call is taken much more seriously this time. Police canvas the campus grounds and security is notified that a deranged psycho dressed as a phantom may be on the grounds. I am questioned, then allowed to return to my dorm. Lying on my bed, I think twice about a trip back to the park. Its official. Misty's brother is stalking me like he did her. She was spooked by him. Had pleaded with him. And unlucky for him, I'm not his sister. I plan to bring him down.

Danielle could not concentrate in class. She kept dazing off into la la Land. Really she was thinking about what she was going to do first thing the bell rang. The night before had scared her half to death. She was still thinking about it. It was now two 'o clock in the afternoon and Danielle had been going through the whole day looking over her shoulder, scared she was going to see Misty's brother again. On top of that, Misty had been missing for over seventy two hours and nothing new had been reported. Danielle had the name of a detective assigned to the case and had been making periodic calls to check on updates. Nothing yet.

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Avatar for Simple_Girl
3 years ago
