The Phantom (Part 1)

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3 years ago

Misty and I run into the nearest dusty room we find and shut the door before locking it tight. I can hardly breathe from having been running so fast. On top of that, this is the first time I have ever felt real terror.

"Just who is that Misty!?" I yell. I still can't breathe.

She breathes hard, but acts as though this is second nature to her. She's so calm that it just angers me further.

"Its my brother," she says. She breathes heavily. "He's been out of the hospital for over two years. ....... He's been after me multiple times. ...... I'm sorry Danielle. I had no idea this was going to happen tonight."

I just look at her. How could she not know?!! Multiple times?! How "OK" is she with having someone dressed in a "phantom" costume try to continually kill her using a butcher knife?!!!

"I'm calling the police the first chance I get," I say.

Misty responds.

"It won't work. He'll just disappear." Her breathing has calmed. Mine, on the other hand, is getting worse. Allergies. This room is dusty. I can't breathe at all.

"Misty, I'm not OK being chased and nearly killed by a psychopath. Where are we anyway," I say, looking around the room.

We ran into the nearest building we could find. This place looked like an old university or something. We'd been chased for twenty solid minutes now!!

Misty sits on the nearest couch and slouches. I notice she's down. Part of me, in that moment, feels sorry for her.

She takes her glasses off and rubs her eyes.

BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! ....... and on it goes. Misty jumps out of her seat. I about jump out of my skin!! I'm slowly backing up towards the edge of the room. Bam! Bam!

"How Did He Know We Came In Here MISTY!!!" I scream!

Misty comes over to my side quickly. Her hand goes to my mouth.

"Calm down and shut up", she hisses close to my ear. "He might second guess himself if you're quiet ....... The beating stops. Silence. "I don't think he heard you." She whispers. I'm hovering as close to Misty as possible. She's doing the same to me.

The room we are in smells like mildew. The air is chilly.

"I'm not staying here all night," I whisper. The very idea sends a shiver down my spine. Misty whispers a response.

"I don't recommend going out there and fighting him." She says. "I've seen him pick up two officers by their shirts, one in each hand, and throw them over a stair balcony. Tell me she's joking!!

I just grimace and pray to God morning comes soon with us alive.


Three hours pass. We know because there's a hanging clock on the wall that I noticed had the right time when we entered. It was three in the morning.

Misty had fallen asleep on the couch while I took guard duty. We had been alternating every hour so the other could get some sleep. I smelled like unwashed laundry and looked dirty. I am so mad at Misty I could scream!

She is my best friend at the moment. We met in psychology 101 a year ago. She sat beside me. We hit it off as fast friends and soon decided to be study partners for the class. When psychology 101 ended we decided to stay study partners and to keep each other accountable in other studies. She was incredibly smart and my grades got a million times better because of her. I owed her a lot.

We started hanging out for fun once a week having coffee and gossiping about the university and talking about our teachers. We discussed boys and where we were in our dating lives. Misty never talked about her parents or home life. Now I know why! I wouldn't have either. But still.

October is now here. Misty thought it would be fun to go somewhere we had never been to before and have a séance. You know, something fun and scary to do. Neither of us were from here (Vermont). I thought it would be fun. So we went to a store and bought candles and a small lighter. We car pooled to a park in the middle of nowhere. We got out and treaded deeply into the area. We had just started to set everything up when we saw him. A hooded figure in a white mask holding a huge butcher knife in one hand. What puzzled me was the way Misty cried "not again" and proceeded to tell whoever he was to go back to the hospital and to get the help they needed. I had grabbed her hand, told her to shut up, and pulled her into a running sprint. Her and I booked it.

The hooded man had followed, running hard as well. He never ran sooo fast that he nearly caught up with us, but he made sure we were constantly in his sight. His actions were methodical, like he had done this a lot of times before. It creeped me out. I have a gut feeling this guy (Misty's brother) had killed before. Misty hasn't told me anything really. And to be honest, I don't think I want to know more.

To be continued....

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Simple_Girl
3 years ago
