My dear friend Laziness

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3 years ago

Here we go, well I´m going to write about this. Thanks, @JonicaBradley for giving us the idea. I´ll be honest, I´m gonna write this in the laziest way possible, this is about laziness, isn´t it?

I do not consider it bad at all, it will be because it has accompanied me in different stages of my life, or perhaps it is because I confuse laziness with disinterest, and it is that in the activities where I consider myself the laziest, they are the ones I like the least. But sometimes even the things I like make me feel lazy. Writing is one of them. I have many things to tell, my mind is always working, and I love writing, but capturing everything I have to say through a post is usually quite a complex task.

One of the mistakes I make is that I want to do so many things at once, that I end up overwhelming myself with so much, and I leave a lot of things unfinished, but I really do my best. For that reason they consider me lazy, I try to do a lot, and I get nothing. I'm aware of that, and believe me it doesn't make me feel good to know.

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Distractions come around

At the time of writing this post, I was not lying to you that I would be lazy, because while I was posting it, I lay on my bed, played a couple of video games, took a shower, ate, and then I remembered that I was writing this, I continued a paragraph, and then I wasted my time again checking my social networks.

But anyway, when laziness attacks me, I don't even realize it, and that happens a lot during the day, maybe I confuse it with distraction, or fatigue, or anything else that prevents me from doing my daily tasks, but I'm sure of something. : It is not intentional. It just happens, I lose track of time in nonsense and when I look at the clock, I can't believe it's late, and I just say "tomorrow will be another day."

The idea of laziness

My mother considered me lazy in housework, and I was. I hate cleaning, but now as an adult, I have to do it because ironically I like everything to be clean. And I hate that someone other than me cleans my things and my spaces. I am full of contradictions, but what else can I do? The point is that at this moment in my life, the day that I am freer from responsibilities (Sundays) I don't want to do anything, but I have to clean, so if we consider that it could take me two hours, with the slowness that I do it, I finish cleaning in about 4 or 5 hours; again, laziness attacks me.

Wow, you don't know what it's taking me to finish this post but for the sake of the prompt I'm doing it, I don't like talking about something that attacks me every day. If I were writing I don't know, about video games, my fingers would write by themselves, but writing from laziness undoubtedly generates more laziness.

Not always that way

It's hard to feel lazy when a few years ago, I was a very active athlete, I played baseball. I got up at 4 in the morning to train and finished at 10, then I went home, had lunch, went to study, then to the gym, and at night when I arrived, I studied a little English. The next day, I repeated the process.

Not to mention when I was a student at the university. I left home at 6 in the morning and returned at night due to my old job. Today, I am a little looser of time, but now I feel like I am wasting it more, irony at its best.

Final thoughts

Anyway, I can tell you that it has been a challenge for me to write all this because it is a part of me that does not make me proud, but describing it makes me want to improve that aspect, however, I have a rather particular idea of laziness: Laziness exists depends on how it is viewed. What do I mean by this? That is what some consider laziness, for others, is normality. Basically, it looks different depending on each person, so if we fight against laziness, let's do it according to our own convictions.

So, my dear friend laziness, I will fight you, not today, not tomorrow, not next week because I will be busy, but someday, I will beat you.

This post was written entirely by me. This is what I wanted to say about laziness, see you next time fellas.

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Lead image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

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3 years ago


@Simon.M32 pues a mí no me parece que sea pereza lo que tienes, más bien todo lo contrario. Solo encontré contradicciones en tú publicación de una persona muy productiva, que se siente perezosa por algunos momentos, pero que realmente no lo es 😁 Me encanta como escribes, yo también lo intenté aunque el inglés no se me da nada. Usé el traductor, no tuve mucho reconocimiento pero por lo menos lo he intentado y no me quedé como una perezosa. Saludos y que sigas creciendo en readcash te lo mereces 😘

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I think you are right in saying that laziness is laziness depending on how you look at it. It's a bit subjective. And the truth is that I am lazy to write about laziness, lol

$ 0.01
3 years ago