How do you learn the skills that help you develop?

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3 years ago

Skill needs time and time needs patience, if you want to burden your talents and skills, you have to strive, learn and work continuously.

Skill = information + continuous training, and it is better for you to give me money every day that teach me a skill to earn a continuous income, and when I have the skill, I own a mobile shop from which I can earn a good living.

Skills are many so how do I find the skill that suits me?

To know what you like

You must know what you love and do not like until you reach your required skill. If you are ignorant of it, take a deep breath and start searching ... even if you spend long days. Knowing this will save you a lot of trouble. After knowing what you like, move on to the second step, which is.

Join the skill community

Those interested in your skills that you want to possess are gathered by an application or electronic platform, and all you have to do is to apply what you have learned, and then present it to them to benefit from their criticism and guidance. But before the skill community, is it preferable to learn and then engage in the skillful community, or engage and then learn?

Resources for learning the skill

Here it is necessary to get acquainted with the self-learning skill, because one of the Internet's challenges is not to be preoccupied with content at the expense of content while learning, and to learn the skill of time management to improve the control of learning time. Any teaching process needs time, as time is sufficient for the maturation of the skill.

In addition to creating an account in which you practice practicing the skill in a practical way, you will notice the difference and know which stage you have reached.

Make sure to find someone who shares with you and motivates you, and here we return to the skilled community, creativity is the result of training, then we understand that skill - in the first place - is acquisition, patience and toil and not something innate, I mean in its strength and possession, not the basis of its existence.

Work in a field that focuses on this skill

If you seek, for example, the skill of strategic planning, you need to work in a company that focuses on its policies on strategic planning, and you are among the team assigned to do so and do not hesitate to work as a trainer in the beginnings, the beginnings will not be complete because they start and after you go a step in training you will find a job opportunity for them or when Other than them, but you qualified from a trainee to someone who can work after his role was secondary, he became basic.

Read on for inspiring biographies of your skill

Get to know the creators of the skill you seek, read their biographies, their circumstances of upbringing, their social surroundings, and a story that knows them about this skill and how they sought to acquire it, and you read without focusing, understanding, questioning, searching for answers, living with them and imagining their skillful lives.

[Learn about (7) of the most prominent political biographical films that caused controversy]

An electronic cloud library

Google Drive, Dropbox ... Create an account in one of them and start collecting all the materials related to your skill: tips, tips for beginners, stories, exercises, videos, articles, and the advantage of this library as it will be your source that you refer to in the beginning and after possessing the skill.

Spend and spend

Any skill in the world requires tools, some of which are not available for free, so do not lose the payment for owning these tools, as it allows you to have greater capabilities, more efficiency and effectiveness, and at that time the difference will occur during training, and if free tools are available, but they will not always be available, and if they are available, you will find limited advantages in them. Do what you give yourself to learn as much as it gives you.

Skill and talent

So-and-so gifted is a phrase that absorbs effort expended and time passed on learning and training and the many attempts and practices is a phrase that comes after all this so-and-so talented.

A talent is an innate predisposition of a person, but it does not mature and emerge into the open only after hard work and effort.

Skill Marketing

Many of us have the skill, but those who are good at marketing it and making money from it are few, so learn marketing skills by joining such courses and benefiting from those who share the same skill and invest in them. I will not tell you how to market here, but you have to establish your account on social media and start promoting it publicly and applying what you have learned from marketing methods

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3 years ago
