Jungle Language ( Cala3caka )

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2 years ago
Topics: World, Teachings

Before I get on with the continuation of my write for today, I know most of you might have been wondering or asking what my title head meant in the two-parts ramble article of how my day went that i wrote as articles on Thursday and Friday or you might as well be thinking it was a typo and I didn't notice it or I was to lazy to change it or as some might think, it was a click bait - well, it kinda seemed a click bait ~lol~ .

Well since no one asked about it in the comment section, my assumptions ran wild and I moved to guess you all knew the meaning but I highly doubt it. The comment section is for interaction between users in this platform and we must learn to be free and give feedback of what we feel about an article that has been read or how we see it from our point of view.

Back to the title head, It wasn't a mistake or a typo, I wrote it in a language tagged "JUNGLE LANGUAGE" that has been around for close to a decade in my country now. It was a cooked up cipher language that makes use of the importance of the knowledge of the Consonant and Vowel sounds, a knowledge of these is very important in writing in Jungle language.

We have twenty-six alphabets of which five ( A,E,I,O,U ) are called the Vowel sounds and the rest of the alphabets, being twenty-one in number are called the Consonant sounds. So we have five Vowels and twenty-one Consonants and any alphabets that is not in this Vowel sounds *A,E,I,O,U* is a Consonant - that should be enough key to latch on. This part ends without saying that one must know his Vowels and Consonants.

Pardon my discrepancies as it might seem I am talking toddler as most of us here if not all of us are adults and would already know what are Vowel and Consonant sounds but for all righteousness to be fulfilled, I just had to state down to obvious for references.

The next step in learning the jungle language is we then assign numbers (1 - 5) to each of the Vowel sounds starting from A then moving to the right which goes as thus ;


1 2 3 4 5

With this it can be seen that, A is 1 , E is 2, I is 3, O is 4 and U is 5. These are very important to note as they are key to writing and deciphering a Jungle Language cause later on, we would be swapping out the Vowels for their respective numbers. This is half of what is to be done, the next half is with the Consonants sounds where we add a suffix "-a" to any Consonant sound found in our sentence. As earlier stated that any sound not part of the A,E,I,O,U is a Consonant, let do well to list out the Consonants then if you don't mind .

Vowels: A,E,I,O,U


We can use this table to follow up. Now we are done with the steps and a quick recap may be needed.

Jungle Language is a language that has been around in my country for a decade or more than, I only got to know of it in 2013 and it has gone way back. It was coined and formed as a language that encompasses the use of the knowledge of Vowel and Consonants sounds of which we have five Vowel sounds and twenty-one Consonant sounds making a total of twenty-six alphabets, the English Alphabets. To write in Jungle language, we assign numbers to each of the five vowels ranging from A-1 to U-5 meaning subsequents terms are E-2, I-3 and O-4. To the Consonants, we add a suffix "-a" to all Consonant words found in our text. Let us demonstrate these rules with a word we all know - "read.cash"

read.cash to be written in the Jungle Language would be "ra21da.ca1saha" .... lol. Easy fellas, I sense some of us are beaming with joy and excitement while some see in awe. Let revise what we just did with the "read.cash" word - it started with r which is a Consonant, right followed by a Vowel(e) then another Vowel(a), a Consonant(d) then a *dot* we then started with c which is a Consonant also, followed by a Vowel(a), then a Consonant(s) and another Consonant(h). Earlier we said, all Vowels would be converted to it mirror numbers and all Consonants would be given a suffix of "-a" , in clear terms we have ;

r e a d . c a s h

ra 2 1 da . ca 1 sa ha

.... so joining them together, we have "read.cash" as "ra21da.ca1saha" - a magnificent and daunting transformation.

$ 0.35
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2 years ago
Topics: World, Teachings


a translation that I think is quite logical according to the forest language in your area, I prefer your good idea

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this great information frend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago