When can a person donate blood?
1 / Age / Age: 18-70 years old and healthy.
2 / Weight> 45 kg
3 / Hemoglobin levels: (Hb% average: 13.5gm / dl for male (male), 12.5gm / dl for female (female))
No more than 4/450 ml / 1 unit of blood can be collected.
Note: 1 unit contains Hb 1gm / dl
From whom blood cannot be taken:
1 / Those who have taken dog bite injection, they will not give blood for 1 year after the end of the course.
2 / Do not donate blood for 1 year in case of major operation and 6 months in case of minor operation.
3 / If someone takes blood for any reason, he will not donate blood for 1 year.
4 / jaundice / jaundice, malaria, typhoid, do not give blood for 6 months.
Do not donate blood if you have had a miscarriage within a month or are currently pregnant and the baby is breastfed.Blood cannot be given during period / menstruation but in case of more emergency it is another matter.
Do not donate blood even if you have Dermatitis & Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Syphilis).
Do not donate blood during a course of antibiotic medication.
It is better not to take blood from drug addicted people.
Blood should not be taken from the mentally ill or depressed.
What is the benefit of donor if blood is given:
1 / Blood cells are dying in our body every day and every day blood cells are being made from bone marrow so there is a circle after 90-120 days you can give blood.
2 / When a machine does all the work is good, such as our bone marrow will be good.
Give the donor what to eat before giving blood:
Mix 1 mini packet of glucose and 1 ORS in 1/1 liter of water and give it to the patient, then you will not feel weakness.
Investigation before blood transfusion: (Blood should be checked before donor's blood.
✔1 / Blood grouping
✔2 / Rh typing
✔3 / Cross matching
✔4 / HBsAG
✔5 / Anti HCV
✔6 / VDRL
✔7 / HIV (1 + 2) Not common in bd
✔8 / MP
Note ,,,,, If HBsAg, HIV, VDRL, Anti HCV and Mp is negative then you can give blood, and if blood broup and RH typing and cross matching then you can give blood.